Import excel document from Sharepoint using SSIS excel source dataflow

  • Hi everybody,

    I am trying to build SSIS package to loading the excel file from sharepoint site. I used UNC to connect the file ; it is succesfully. However, when I click Name of excel sheet in excel sheet editor, it gives me below message. Can anybody help me with the issue. Thanks a lot !!

    microsoft office access database engine cannot open or write to the file. it is already opened exclusively by another user,or you need permission to view and write its data

  • I am a SharePoint Admin troubleshooting this iss for a DBA on my team. Have you been able to get this working?

  • (without knowing much about sharepoint...)

    sounds like a permissions issue

    how about copying it to a local temporary directory and then connecting?

  • I found the resolution to this. I had to change the library that the file was stored in and the name of the file itself so that there were no spaces in the path.

    Once I did this it began to work.

  • Can you more specific. what is library you changed? Thanks

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