Import all files in a directory based on Date

  • I was able to write a simple package the uses a for each loop container task and data flow task & import all files into a table but they must be loaded in date order based on the FileName which is on the following file format.

    I tried using a script task to sort the files and load into an array but unfortunately it did not work out.


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  • What about just using the script task to save the file names to a file. Then a data flow task could read each file name and assign its date. These could then be sorted by date and written to a new file.

    This sorted file list could be used with a for loop to load the files in the correct order.

  • I used a scrupt task inside a For Each Loop Task with the following code:

    Imports System

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Math

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

    Imports System.IO

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim path As String = Dts.Variables("BaseFolder").Value.ToString

    Dim filenames() As String


    filenames = Directory.GetFiles(path, "Data.*")


    Dts.Variables("FileNames").Value = filenames

    Dts.Variables("Execute").Value = True

    Catch ex As Exception

    Dts.Variables("Execute").Value = False

    End Try

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    End Sub

    End Class

    BaseFolder was defin3ed as a read only variable

    FileNames & Execute were defined as a ReadWrite Variable.

    In the For Each Loop Containor:

    The enumerator was defined as: Foreach From Variable Enumerator

    The Variable used was User::FileNames

    Upon execution I get the following errors:

    Error: The object in the variable "User::FileNames" does not contain an enumerator.

    Error: The GetEnumerator method of the ForEach Enumerator has failed with error 0x80131509 "(null)". This occurs when the ForEach Enumerator cannot enumerate.

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  • Here's an example I got from MSDN which may help:

    Dim arr As New ArrayList



    Dts.Variables("User::Collection").Value = arr

    Can you also confirm that your User::FileNames variable is of type 'Object'?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

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