Impact analysis for changes

  • Let's say you have about a million SQL scripts and almost that many DTS packages, and a half millinog VC++, VB and similar programs. Well, maybe not literally, but it seems so...

    Someone says "let's change this field in this table, make it a string and change it's name.

    Once you get out of shock, you start searching and find it's easy -- search the scripts, search the .VB, .VCC files, a few other files maybe (+/- how you code). It's all going well, you make your changes, modify the scripts, modify the database, and...

    All hell breaks loose when you find that DTS packages are failing. SQL steps in DTS scripts were forgotten. So you search the DTS files... ooops, nothing found. You can't search (at least with explorer or anyting I've tried) and find the contents of SQL statements in the DTS files.

    How do you find out what you need to change?

    - You can script all DTS packages to VB and search them.

    - You can implement only stored procedure calls in SQL steps in DTS packages (if you thought of this in advance) so in searching your SP's you find it. BUT, this is really only a level of abstraction, you still can't find all the DTS packages that used the SP's by searching.

    - Maybe there's some way to use all the repository stuff, but frankly after trying to figure out what it was for a couple times, I've ignored it. Haven't run across anyone else who understood it (I'm sure some here do, so maybe I'll learn something).

    WHat's your approach to doing this? How do you find everywhere your DTS packages reference a SQL object?

  • One way would certainly be to save them out as VB files and search the code in those files...



    Michael Weiss

    Michael Weiss

  • Hi there

    What I do:

    a) get latest version from VSS - search for the string

    b) our sp sare not encrypted, so a simple text search over this (see script below)

    c) DTS - like you say, unload them as vb files and search

    its a boring and lengthly process overall and havent found tools to speed or enhance it.



    Chris Kempster

    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

  • CREATE PROCEDURE usp_FindCodeStr

    @dbname varchar(100),

    @SearchStr varchar(1000),

    @PrintOnly bit = 0



    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)


    @sql = ISNULL(@sql + char(13) + 'UNION ALL' + char(13), '') +

    'SELECT DISTINCT ''' + name + ''' as db,

    FROM ' + name + '.dbo.sysobjects o

    JOIN ' + name + '.dbo.syscomments c

    ON =

    WHERE text like ''%' + @SearchStr+ '%''

    /* Elminate system objects & VSS objects */

    AND name not like ''sys%''

    AND name not like ''dt/_%'' ESCAPE ''/''

    AND name not like ''fn/_%'' ESCAPE ''/'''

    FROM sysdatabases

    WHERE name IN(@dbname)

    IF @PrintOnly = 1

    PRINT @sql




    Chris Kempster

    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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