Image datatype(BLOB) to a text file--????

  • Hi,

    I am looking at a way as to export records that have image datatype from SQL Server 2005 to A Flatfile/Textfile. This cannot be done with standard import/export tools or SSIS.

    How can this be done most efficiently , since i have thousands if image records that need to be exported.

    In my research i have come across the textcopy utility , i am not sure if this is in SQL 2005 or if i would have to export one file at a time??

    Please provide your suggestions...i would welcome any different ways of doing this.

  • Hi,

    What are you trying to achieve? Has the data to be transferred to another system?

  • Yes...another DB system...but prior to putting it in the destination area it needs to be stored in a flatfile format, for the staging area

  • And you can't do a INSERT INTO StagingTable SELECT FROM SourceTable?

  • No..

  • How about (something like)..

    On source server:

    CREATE DATABASE TempTransfer

    CREATE TABLE TempTransfer.dbo.DataToTransfer (ID, ImageBlob)

    INSERT INTO TempTransfer.DataToTransfer


    BACKUP DATABASE TempTransfer TO DISK 'C:\TempTransfer.bak'

    On destination server:

    RESTORE DATABASE TempTransfer FROM DISK 'C:\TempTransfer.bak'

    UPDATE DestinationDatabase.dbo.DestinationTable

    SET ImageBlob = TempTransfer.dbo.DataToTransfer.ImageBlob

    FROM TempTransfer.dbo.DataToTransfer T

    WHERE DestinationTable.ID = T.ID

  • Thaks Allister, but i cannot transfer directly between 2 DB systems. I have to transfer the source data to a text/flatfile first...

  • I was suggesting making a temporary database with just table with images in it, backing up this database to a .bak file, transferring the bak file (over network/dvd/however) to the destination server and restoring temporary database then moving data into the staging table.

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