Ignore First row in data file in bulk insert

  • Hello

    I use bulk insert to fill a table

    I use code bellow

    bulk insert dbo.test

    from 'c:\test.txt'



    but data inserted to table start from 3throw.

    Could you help me?

  • 1. check your first row is separated by the same row separator as all other

    2. from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms188365(v=sql.105).aspx: the FIRSTROW attribute is not intended to skip column headers. Skipping headers is not supported by the BULK INSERT statement. When skipping rows, the SQL Server Database Engine looks only at the field terminators, and does not validate the data in the fields of skipped rows.

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  • I know the page says that FIRSTROW isn't intended to skip column headers, but I do it a lot.

    I suppose an alternate approach would be to bulk insert the whole file into your staging table and then delete the row you don't want.

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