Identifying system or user dbs?

  • Is there a proper method for identifying user vs system databases?

    I've looked in sysdatases as well as sys.databases but couldn't find anything.

  • The dbid Column in sysdatabases should help you.

    The DBID's 1 - 4 are always used by the System DB's and the DBID for the 5th System Database

    SystemResorce DB is always 32767.

    Bru Medishetty

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  • Thanks for the reply.

    I've used that in the past but have also encountered times when dbid 5 is the distmodel database.

    I was hoping there was a flag or some other method to identify a system db versus a user db.

  • I don't know of any flag but the system databases always have the same name so you could use that to identify them (master,model,msdb,tempdb,distribution). anything else is a user database.


  • I used the Profiler while refreshing the System Databases branch in the Object Explore of SSMS and the following (partial) statement came along:

    SELECT AS [Database_Name]

    /* More columns */


    master.sys.databases AS dtb


    (CAST(case when in ('master','model','msdb','tempdb') then 1 else dtb.is_distributor end AS bit)=1)


    [Database_Name] ASC

    So it seems the only way to determine if a database is a system database is to look at the name and the is_distributor bit.


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