identify consecutive records greater than 1

  • Hello

    I need help identifying all records that have consecutive hours (time in order) of greater than 1 for the value field.

    The output I am looking for would have Number,Start Time,End Time, Average of val over that time range that is identified.

    create table LunchTable (
    Value decimal(15,2),
    StartTime datetime


    insert into LunchTable values (1,1.56,'3/14/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,1.3,'3/14/20 1:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,0.05,'3/14/20 2:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,0.4,'3/14/20 3:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,0.1,'3/14/20 4:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,0.1,'3/14/20 5:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3.1,'3/14/20 6:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,4.15,'3/14/20 7:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,4.25,'3/14/20 8:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,4.45,'3/14/20 9:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3.15,'3/14/20 10:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3.25,'3/14/20 11:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3,'3/14/20 12:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3,'3/14/20 13:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3,'3/14/20 14:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3,'3/14/20 15:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,4.5,'3/14/20 16:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,5,'3/14/20 17:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,5,'3/14/20 18:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,5.5,'3/14/20 19:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,6,'3/14/20 20:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,5.5,'3/14/20 21:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,4.5,'3/14/20 22:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (1,3.5,'3/14/20 23:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,0.05,'3/14/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,0.1,'3/14/20 1:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,0.1,'3/14/20 2:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,0.4,'3/14/20 3:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,1.3,'3/14/20 4:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,1.56,'3/14/20 5:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3,'3/14/20 6:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3,'3/14/20 7:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3,'3/14/20 8:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3,'3/14/20 9:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3.1,'3/14/20 10:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3.15,'3/14/20 11:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3.25,'3/14/20 12:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,3.5,'3/14/20 13:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,4.15,'3/14/20 14:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,4.25,'3/14/20 15:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,4.45,'3/14/20 16:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,4.5,'3/14/20 17:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,4.5,'3/14/20 18:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,5,'3/14/20 19:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,5,'3/14/20 20:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,5.5,'3/14/20 21:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,5.5,'3/14/20 22:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (2,6,'3/14/20 23:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,2.15,'3/14/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,2.35,'3/14/20 1:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,1.52,'3/14/20 2:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,1.3,'3/14/20 3:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,1.1,'3/14/20 4:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,2.35,'3/14/20 5:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,4.15,'3/14/20 6:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,5,'3/14/20 7:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,5.15,'3/14/20 8:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,5.5,'3/14/20 9:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,4.5,'3/14/20 10:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,4,'3/14/20 11:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3.35,'3/14/20 12:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,4,'3/14/20 13:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 14:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 15:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 16:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 17:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 18:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 19:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 20:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 21:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 22:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/14/20 23:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 1:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 2:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 3:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 4:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 5:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 6:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 7:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 8:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 9:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 10:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 11:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 12:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 13:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 14:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 15:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 16:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 17:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 18:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 19:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 20:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 21:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 22:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (8,3,'3/15/20 23:00');

    insert into LunchTable values (9,2.15,'3/14/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,2.35,'3/14/20 1:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,1.52,'3/14/20 2:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,1.3,'3/14/20 3:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,1.1,'3/14/20 4:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,2.35,'3/14/20 5:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,4.15,'3/14/20 6:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,5,'3/14/20 7:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,5.15,'3/14/20 8:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,5.5,'3/14/20 9:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,4.5,'3/14/20 10:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,4,'3/14/20 11:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3.35,'3/14/20 12:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,4,'3/14/20 13:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 14:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 15:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 16:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 17:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 18:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 19:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 20:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 21:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 22:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/14/20 23:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/15/20 0:00');
    insert into LunchTable values (9,3,'3/15/20 1:00');

    select * from LunchTable;



  • You dont show your expected output.

    Maybe this will point you in the right direction

    WITH cteLag AS (
    SELECT lt.Number
    , lt.Value
    , lt.StartTime
    , prevVal = LAG(lt.Value) OVER (PARTITION BY lt.Number ORDER BY lt.StartTime)
    , nxtVal = LEAD(lt.Value) OVER (PARTITION BY lt.Number ORDER BY lt.StartTime)
    FROM LunchTable AS lt
    SELECT cte.Number
    , cte.Value
    , cte.StartTime
    FROM cteLag AS cte
    WHERE cte.Value > 1
    AND (cte.prevVal > 1 OR cte.nxtVal > 1)
    ORDER BY cte.Number, cte.StartTime;
  • Need to know the results, but the lag/lead approach is what I'd do, as @desnorton has shown

  • Here is a slightly different approach.  There is no discernable difference in the performance for the sample data.  When I add a primary key on Number and StartTime, this approach is very slighty favored (48% to 52%).

    WITH cteSum AS (
    SELECT lt.Number
    , lt.[Value]
    , lt.StartTime
    FROM #LunchTable AS lt
    SELECT cte.Number
    , cte.Value
    , cte.StartTime
    FROM cteSum AS cte
    WHERE cte.[Value] > 1
    AND cte.OverCount > 1


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by  drew.allen. Reason: Changed COUNT to SUM

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • The queries so far don't identify the ranges of consecutive "greater than one" rows.  This query uses two ROW_NUMBER functions which both count up across PARTITION BY Number.  To reset the 2nd ROW_NUMBER when the boundry condition changes the function includes the 'gt_one' column in the PARTITION BY.  When the 'gt_one' condition changes then the 2nd ROW_COUNTER resets and when the 2nd counter is subtracted from the 1st counter it creates the row groupings 'rn_grp' along with 'gt_one' being 0 or 1

    with rn_cte as (
    select l.*, v.gt_one,
    row_number() over (partition by Number order by StartTime) as rn,
    row_number() over (partition by Number, v.gt_one order by StartTime) rn_gt_one,
    row_number() over (partition by Number order by StartTime)
    - row_number() over (partition by Number, v.gt_one order by StartTime) as rn_grp
    from #LunchTable l
    cross apply (values (iif(l.[Value]>1, 1, 0))) v(gt_one))
    select *
    from rn_cte
    order by Number, StartTime;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • with rn_cte as (
    select l.*, v.gt_one,
    row_number() over (partition by Number order by StartTime)
    - row_number() over (partition by Number, v.gt_one order by StartTime) as rn_grp
    from #LunchTable l
    cross apply (values (iif(l.[Value]>1, 1, 0))) v(gt_one))
    select Number, gt_one, rn_grp, min(StartTime) min_StartTime, max(StartTime) max_StartTime, avg([Value]) avg_val
    from rn_cte
    group by Number, gt_one, rn_grp
    order by Number, rn_grp;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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