Iam working as production DBA, Tempdb is full in Ms-Sql server, what can i do with out stopping server

  • Iam working as production DBA, Tempdb is full in Ms-Sql server, what can i do with out stopping server

  • Check that tempdb is set to authogrow. You can extend tempdb onto another drive if that one if out of space.

    Look for long running transactions and kill them, you may have one that is using all the space.

  • If you cannot use autogrow would running a dbcc shrinkdatabase on tempdb help?

  • Yes, it would. Eventually. Shrinkdatabase and Shrinkfile do not work immediately.

    It will take place, but for the transaction log, the inactive portions have to be located at the end of the log.

    You could even use BACKUP LOG Tempdb WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY and then run SHRINKDATABASE.


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