I got burned today at a SQL Server Interview!

  • I just had a haircut! πŸ˜›

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • What is the meaning of "troll"? Please explain?

    That was the wrong assumption, I don't hate Indians in particular or anyone else. I simply said that people from India have done interviews with me so far, probably because they dominate this field in my local area.

    jburkman (4/17/2008)

    Jeff Moden (4/17/2008)

    Jeff Moden (4/17/2008)

    It's a tail yank, Brandie... someone who hates East Indians and is trying to give them a bad name. It would appear that was the whole intent of the original post.

    Actually, after thinking about it a bit more, I feel like a Rat... a Lab Rat... looking back at the recent posts, I think someone did an experiment in human physcology and our good nature pretty much let us fall for it all.

    Ehh. Troll probably doesn't have any particular target in mind. The entire behavior is analagous to pretending to drown just to get a liplock from the hot lifeguard. Troll gets response from bright, personable folks whom Troll can't otherwise iteract. Troll get twisted kick of "I'm fooling them! I fooled them! I'm smarter!"

    Trolls can turn a helpful environment into one of suspicion and even animosity toward newcomers. Bet practices dicatate not feeding the Troll and/or IP bannination.

  • The reason I found this thread in the first place is because I am trying to train myself in database administration skills and did a google search on, "What is an index?"

    As I have said before, I am glad I came across this thread. I have gained a great deal of insight and it has encouraged me to attempt to develop myself further in the DBA field, with some encouraging words from Brandie, Grant and Jeff.

    The only honesty Mark has expressed in this thread as far as I can see is that he was honest about needing a well paid job to pay the mortgage. Well, I think we can all agree, we would all like well paid jobs!

    However, I think we would also all agree that for most of us (those with any honesty, integrity or decency about them) we would NEVER attempt to get into a job the way Mark has. It's interesting, that the only job he has managed to get so far, he only got by chance and was out after two weeks!!! (I'm not including the first week, that comment about spending it taking long walks and enjoying the weather made me sick) I'm not surprised he didn't last long after his manager returned.

    I think Mark is either lying or confused. There is a vast difference between asking for interview tactics and cheating at interview. I thought from the beginning that Mark was trying to do the latter and I was surprised at how helpful you guys were!

    Anyway, Brandie, you pointed me in the direction of a fantastic little article you wrote, "Changing Career Gears". Suggest to Mark that he reads it and attempts a different approach before he completely detroys his chances of ever getting a DBA position, well paid or not!!!


    Mark, nobody is trying to criticise you, but people didn't get to where they were by slacking and cheating. Get your head down and get on with it! And thanks for starting this thread, I didn't like what you were trying to do but I have enjoyed reading it and found it informative. πŸ™‚

  • Bob Fazio, you keep attak me for som reazon but as many many generations person of former Soviet replublic I dont car if you have issue with attitute of me or no issue. Me immigrant but will do whatever I wanna who is goona stop me? I dont wanna do illegal thing becaiuse its too high risk not because moral reason~!

    Does that sound like something my countryman would write? πŸ˜›

    Bob Fazio (4/17/2008)

    Mark Markov (4/17/2008)[/b

    Dear Mr. John Rowan:

    I come from a former Soviet republic and I have difficulty determining when Americans are joking and when they are serious... Just in case you were serious, I'll respond:

    I meant to say "There isn't anything else I know better than SQL Server that pays more and is LEGAL". My goal is to make as much money as possible and leave, NOT stay as a resident of an American jail. The risk is too high. Thanks.


    As a 3rd generation American, I have issues with your attitude as an immigrant. (assuming this is a valid post, which some believe is not) I am all for immigration. We need all the hard workers and great minds we can get. However, the American spirit is that anyone with a little hard work can be a great success.

    I am at least glad to hear you aren't thinking of doing "Illegal things" but you are definitely doing unethical things.

  • I think it is time to just stop responding to this thread. I have a feeling there are lots of other people who really needs help from who ever is possible in this forum. Time to help others who need help than someone who does not need our help or advice.


  • Chrissy, with you guys I was honest about EVERYTHING, not just needing to pay the mortgage. The choice for me right now is to stay here and make some more money or leave the country permanently. What would you do in my place if you didn't have SQL Server experience and did not have any other marketable skill and did not have the luxury of living here and more time to study?

    This thread was highly informative for me also! But I saw that it's dead and decided to revive it...in my own way πŸ˜€

    Got to go to my weekly meeting with the psychiatrist! See you later.

    Chrissy (4/17/2008)

    The reason I found this thread in the first place is because I am trying to train myself in database administration skills and did a google search on, "What is an index?"

    As I have said before, I am glad I came across this thread. I have gained a great deal of insight and it has encouraged me to attempt to develop myself further in the DBA field, with some encouraging words from Brandie, Grant and Jeff.

    The only honesty Mark has expressed in this thread as far as I can see is that he was honest about needing a well paid job to pay the mortgage. Well, I think we can all agree, we would all like well paid jobs!

    However, I think we would also all agree that for most of us (those with any honesty, integrity or decency about them) we would NEVER attempt to get into a job the way Mark has. It's interesting, that the only job he has managed to get so far, he only got by chance and was out after two weeks!!! (I'm not including the first week, that comment about spending it taking long walks and enjoying the weather made me sick) I'm not surprised he didn't last long after his manager returned.

    I think Mark is either lying or confused. There is a vast difference between asking for interview tactics and cheating at interview. I thought from the beginning that Mark was trying to do the latter and I was surprised at how helpful you guys were!

    Anyway, Brandie, you pointed me in the direction of a fantastic little article you wrote, "Changing Career Gears". Suggest to Mark that he reads it and attempts a different approach before he completely detroys his chances of ever getting a DBA position, well paid or not!!!


    Mark, nobody is trying to criticise you, but people didn't get to where they were by slacking and cheating. Get your head down and get on with it! And thanks for starting this thread, I didn't like what you were trying to do but I have enjoyed reading it and found it informative. πŸ™‚

  • Mark,

    You know, for the right person there is really good money in selling used cars. Your lack of honesty, integrity, and ethics makes a career in IT totally unsuited for you. These are character traits that are highly valued in this field, and once lost, you will never get them back.


  • Roy Ernest (4/17/2008)

    I think it is time to just stop responding to this thread. I have a feeling there are lots of other people who really needs help from who ever is possible in this forum. Time to help others who need help than someone who does not need our help or advice.

    Stop responding?? Oh no!! Bad timing! Me was so happy this thread wake up again!!!

  • Lynn Pettis (4/17/2008)


    You know, for the right person there is really good money in selling used cars. Your lack of honesty, integrity, and ethics makes a career in IT totally unsuited for you. These are character traits that are highly valued in this field, and once lost, you will never get them back.


    Yes, I have considered that but look at average income of car dealers vs. senior developer!

    Of course I see the advantage in selling cars like the fact that you spend a lot of time outside and don't have to sit in the office all day and be subjected to Hitler-like tactics of a Nazi IT manager!

  • And I know salesmen who make twice what I do.

    Based on all I have read from your posts, you don't belong in IT. Find a different career, one more suited for your personality and temperment.

  • Sales truely is a more profitable profession. In fact, it is the most profitable profession, plus you are in total control of your income. It also does not require technical skills (granted there are skills required but they are very learnable).

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Lynn & Roy - sound advice. I'm going to stop after this as I could be spending time reading up on SQL Server skills instead of responding to this ignorant person.

    Mark, you want to know what I would do? I am actually where you should be. In a badly paid job, working beyond my level so that I can gain the one thing that is vital in this field...EXPERIENCE. (I have been in this role for two years)

    You can guarantee as well, that some idiot like you will come along at some point and beat me in an interview for a better job because you've googled database administration. And I will go back to my crappy job and end up supporting you because you got the higher post without any knowledge, skills or experience.

    I totally agree with Lynn, this is not the field for you. Please stop offending decent, honest, helpful people.

  • I think points have been made clear and at this point, I'm shutting down this thread. If you disagree, send me a PM, but at this point I think we've degenerated a bit too much.

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