Http Error 401 when attempting to access report through report viewer

  • I recently had a disk crash and had to restore my development maching (VS 2010, SQL 2014, SSRS, etc.) to a new desktop computer. I have the reports configured properly (I think) and I have URL access to both the report server and the report manager. I can upload reports, modify parameters and view the reports. I have a login setup with admin permissions through the "Settings" option in the report manager.

    In my VB.NET Web application when I attempt to access the reports I get an error 401 access denied. Through the debugger I can verify that I'm sending the login ID, password and Domain. I have also copied and pasted the web service URL into my Web.config of the app so I'm sure I'm pointing it in the right place.

    I'm not sure why I'm getting this error but I cannot test the interface to the reports from within my Web app. The app worked fine on my prior development computer and it works on the production server so this is something limited to the new install that I've missed or have setup incorrectly.

    Any ideas on what I can check to correct this?

  • Hi Bob,

    If your application is using Basic Authentication you need to enable this in the rsreportserver.config file. It is not enabled by default.

    Here is the msdn link that explains how to do this:

    Hope that helps!

  • Thanks for the reply.

    I had tried this before and it did not work. Just to be sure, I checked the RSReportServer.config file that I had from a backup of my previous install which was working and Basic Authentication was not specified.

    At any rate, I stopped the SSRS service, edited the RSReportServer.config file and added <RSWindowsBasic/> to the Authentication list and restarted SSRS. I then tested the app again and I'm still getting a 401 error.

  • Just another update. I have a new desktop and did a fresh install of SQL 2014 along with SSRS and my web application and I'm still getting the 401 error.

    There must be a solution for this!

  • Found out what the issue was.

    Through the app I was passing login credentials and the password in the Web.Config file was incorrect as it was a copy from a previous server and the password had since been changed. I should have checked this first and it would have saved a lot of time!

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