How will restore database from mysql to SQL Server 2008

  • Hi all,

    I have mysql backup file with SQL extension. Now i want to restore this file in SQL Server 2008. How will i do this? I tried but SQL server is supporting only .bak and .trn files.

    Can any body help me ?



  • I am just guessing, but I believe that MySQL and SQL Server backups are completely different formats so you can't restore one to the other. I could be wrong.

  • Jack's right. Those are two different applications in two different formats. You can't restore one from the other. In fact, you should do a search for MySQL conversion utilities, because that's what you need.

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  • You can use the MySQLDump utility with the compatilbility set to SQL Server. That will create a file with necessary DDL and insert statements that can be executed in SQL Server. Note however that it will use MySQL syntax and data types so it will need to be edited.

    Another approach is to use SSIS to copy and load data. However, this may not capture all stored procedures and views.


  • See if you can open the file in a text editor. I've seen MySQL 'backups' in the past been nothing more than scripts to create and populate the DB. They won't run in SQL Server without modification though. There are differences in SQL syntax.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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