how togetparentchildstring in sql server

  • hi i have one doubt in sql server.

    how to convert json format using multiple tables.


    empid | city|state|country|doj

    1 | bang|KA |Ind |2018-08-03

    2 | chen|Tn |Ind |2018-02-04


    empdid |addressline |addresscode

    1 | street1 |street1

    1 | street2 |taluka

    1 | street2 |district

    2 | street1 |street1

    2 | street3 |district


    empdid |prooftype

    1 |aadhar

    2 |voterid

    based on above data i want output like below .

    empid |city |doj |empjson

    1 |bang |2018-08-03 |{"city":"bang","state":"ka","country":"ind","addreslineinfo":{"street1":"stree1","taluka":"street2","district":street2"},"prooftype":"aadhar"}

    2 |chen |2018-02-04 |{"city":"bang","state":"ka","country":"ind","addreslineinfo":{"street1":"stree1","district":street3"},"prooftype":"voterid"}

    I tried like below :

    select empid,city,doj,(select city,state,country, addresscode,addressline,prooftype for json path ,include_null_values,without_array_wrapper)empjson

    from emp_addr a inner join emp_addressline b on a.empid=b.empid

    inner join emp_proof c on a.empid=c.empid

    above query not given expected result ,could you please tell me how to write a query to achive this task in sql server .

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • The JSON is oddly formed.  Are you 100% sure this is the format required?  The inner JSON items are in array list format but there's no array wrapper. I don't see how could this even be parsed reliably.  Also, there doesn't appear to be a way to reliably order the addresslines

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