How to use DB names dynamically?

  • Hi,

    I want to use DB names dynamically.

    e.g. SELECT * FROM MYDB..MYTABLE. Here MYDB and MYTABLE are parameters.

    I can use EXEC or sp_executesql for this.

    But I just want to know is there any way of doing it without constructing the full query as NVARCHAR and then executing it?



  • Normally if someone is looking to write this kind of dynamic code it can be rewritten so that the column names/database names are actually contained within the rows.

    e.g. I've seen loads of the following:

    10 tables named Counter1, counter2, counter3 etc

    10 tables named salesAmerica, salesEurope etc etc

    These table names should be data values within columns. So the above should be:

    Counter - with an additional column called counternumber

    Sales - with an additional column called Region

    If you can't redesign like this, then you'll have to use dynamic SQL - you can't parameterise any of the structure of the database.

    Dave Hilditch

  • There is an undocumented stored procedure called sp_msforeachdb. Basically it will execute up to 3 commands for each database.

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'DBCC CHECKDB(?)'

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb @command1 = 'Print "Listing ?"', @command2='USE ?;EXEC sp_dir'

    The ? is a placeholder that SQL will replace with the name of each database.

    -From The Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL by Ken Henderson

    You can use Enterprise Manager, drill to the Master database, expand down to stored procedures and this one (and sp_msforeachtable) is listed. Right click on it and select properties to see the actual command.


  • I also suggest doing a search for msforeachdb on this site and maybe google'ing it for more information.


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