How to Update field updatedStuffDiff when i have different values for parts exis

  • I work on sql server 2012 I face issue I can't update column name updatedStuffDiff

    with different feature value for every feature based on partid

    so when i have two part have same feature but different values

    then display it as result on column updatedStuffDiff

    based on partidc and partidx on table #temp

    so result i needed is featurename(partidc feature value - partidx featurevalue)

    and if no value for feature value for partidc or partidx

    then featurename(partidc feature value - NULL) OR (NULL- partidx featurevalue)

    SO first i will get partidc and partidx from table temp

    then get values related to it from #Featuresvalue and compare to it

    and then update result to column updatedStuffDiff

    create table #temp
    PartIdc int,
    PartIdx int
    insert into #temp(PartIdc,PartIdx)
    create table #Featuresvalue
    PartId int,
    FeatureName nvarchar(50),
    FeatureValue nvarchar(50),
    updatedStuffDiff nvarchar(500)
    insert into #Featuresvalue(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue)


    Expected Result

    when update column updatedStuffDiff i will have result two rows :

    Temperature(5c-20c)resistance(10c-30c)cold(NULL-40c) air(NULL-7c)
    Temperature(25c-51c)resistance(40c-15c)cold(70c-NULL) air(8c-NULL)stress(17C-NULL)pressure(70c-NULL)
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • For the update:

    Temperature(5c-20c)resistance(10c-30c)cold(NULL-40c) air(NULL-7c)

    Should this be updated in the updatedStuffDiff column of every records in the #Featuresvalue table with PartId=555?

    In my head, I'm seeing some sort of full outer join of the #Featuresvalue to itself, maybe preliminary joins to the #temp to get the Idc and Idx sides of the update text.


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