How to split time into hourly slot using SQL (can use view,or stored proc or fun

  • I have data in table which has start date, end date and duration. I want to show hourly time slot.


    - Condition 1. If start date =9:00 and end date = 11:00 then show the date as



    It should repeat 2 times and all related column data will also repeat 2 times.

    this will continue if time slot is suppose 11:00- 14:00 then




    It should repeat 3 times.

    - Condition 2: If start date is 9:30 and end date is 10:30 then

    time should round up. i.e. start date should be 9:00 and end date should be 11:00

    How can I achieve this in Sql Server?



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  • What are your data types?

    What happens when the StartTime and FinishTime cross over midnight?

    Are the time durations always in 60 minute segments?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by  DesNorton.
  • Hi,

    • Datatype: StartTime ,EndTime  is Varchar(5)
    • It is fixed  hour slot  : starts at 09:00 end at 18:00





    • Yes, it should always be 60 duration.

    Hope I answered your questions.


  • I would start by creating a table of valid time slots

    IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.Timeslots', N'U') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE dbo.Timeslots;

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Timeslots (
    SlotStart time(0) NOT NULL
    , SlotEnd AS CAST(DATEADD(hh, 1, SlotStart) AS time(0))

    INSERT INTO dbo.Timeslots ( SlotStart )
    VALUES ( '08:00:00' ), ( '09:00:00' ), ( '10:00:00' ), ( '11:00:00' ), ( '12:00:00' ), ( '13:00:00' )
    , ( '14:00:00' ), ( '15:00:00' ), ( '16:00:00' ), ( '17:00:00' ), ( '18:00:00' ), ( '19:00:00' );

    Then you can join to the lookup table to get the data broken down by the time slots.

    CREATE TABLE #SourceData (
    SlotId int NOT NULL
    , StartTime varchar(5) NOT NULL
    , Duration int NULL
    , FinishTime varchar(5) NULL
    , RoomID char(1) NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO #SourceData ( SlotId, StartTime, Duration, FinishTime, RoomID )
    VALUES ( 10909380, '11:00', 60, '12:00', 'A' )
    , ( 9553599, '09:00', 120, '11:00', 'C' )
    , ( 13204358, '08:30', 120, '10:30', 'D' )
    , ( 10886075, '13:00', 240, '17:00', 'J' );

    WITH cteData AS (
    SELECT s.SlotId, s.RoomID
    , StartTime = CAST(DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, 0, convert(time(0), s.StartTime , 108)), 0) AS time(0))
    , FinishTime = CAST(DATEADD(hh, DATEDIFF(hh, 0, convert(time(0), s.FinishTime, 108)), 0) AS time(0))
    FROM #SourceData AS s
    SELECT cte.SlotId
    , StartTime = t.SlotStart
    , Duration = DATEDIFF(MINUTE, t.SlotStart, t.SlotEnd)
    , FinishTime = t.SlotEnd
    , cte.RoomID
    FROM cteData AS cte
    INNER JOIN dbo.Timeslots AS t
    ON cte.StartTime < t.SlotEnd
    AND cte.FinishTime > t.SlotStart


  • Hi,

    Thank you for providing code. It worked well on my dev db.




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