How to solve issue of Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING f

  • I work on sql server 2014 I face issue error as Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function when run script below ?

    Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2269.0 (X64)

    Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3

    I create table student with rows values insert as below :

     CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student](  
    [Sno] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Student ID] nvarchar(6) Not NULL ,
    [Student name] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [Date of Birth] datetime not null,
    [Weight] [int] NULL)
    --Insert data into table
    Insert into dbo.[Student] values (1,'STD001','Bob','2003-12-31',40)
    Insert into dbo.[Student] values (2,'STD002','Alexander','2004-11-15',35)


    2- after create table student and insert rows on it

    I make the following

    truncate table [dbo].[Student]

    after that i need to get truncated data so

    I run script below

    I get error

    Msg 537, Level 16, State 3, Line 96

    Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

    issue exist on line 96

    SELECT [Page ID],
    Substring([ParentObject], case when CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject]) < 0 then len([ParentObject]) else ABS(CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4) end, CHARINDEX('Offset', [ParentObject])-(CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4)) as [Slot ID]

    and this script give me error above

    so How to solve issue ?

    declare @Database_Name NVARCHAR(MAX)='Nahdy'
    declare @SchemaName_n_TableName NVARCHAR(MAX)='dbo.homo'
    declare @Date_From datetime='1900/01/01'
    declare @Date_To datetime ='9999/12/31'
    DECLARE @Fileid INT
    DECLARE @Pageid INT
    DECLARE @Slotid INT

    DECLARE @ConsolidatedPageID VARCHAR(MAX)
    Declare @AllocUnitID as bigint
    Declare @TransactionID as VARCHAR(MAX)

    /* Pick The actual data
    declare @temppagedata table
    [ParentObject] sysname,
    [Object] sysname,
    [Field] sysname,
    [Value] sysname)

    declare @pagedata table
    [Page ID] sysname,
    [AllocUnitId] bigint,
    [ParentObject] sysname,
    [Object] sysname,
    [Field] sysname,
    [Value] sysname)

    DECLARE Page_Data_Cursor CURSOR FOR
    /*We need to filter LOP_MODIFY_ROW,LOP_MODIFY_COLUMNS from log for modified records & Get its Slot No, Page ID & AllocUnit ID*/
    SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(Replace([Description],'Deallocated',''))) AS [PAGE ID]
    ,[Slot ID],[AllocUnitId]
    FROM sys.fn_dblog(NULL, NULL)
    AllocUnitId IN
    (Select [Allocation_unit_id] from sys.allocation_units allocunits
    INNER JOIN sys.partitions partitions ON (allocunits.type IN (1, 3)
    AND partitions.hobt_id = allocunits.container_id) OR (allocunits.type = 2
    AND partitions.partition_id = allocunits.container_id)
    Where object_id=object_ID('' + @SchemaName_n_TableName + ''))
    AND Operation IN ('LOP_MODIFY_ROW') AND [Context] IN ('LCX_PFS')
    AND Description Like '%Deallocated%'
    /*Use this subquery to filter the date*/

    WHERE Context IN ('LCX_NULL') AND Operation in ('LOP_BEGIN_XACT')
    AND [Transaction Name]='TRUNCATE TABLE'
    AND CONVERT(NVARCHAR(11),[Begin Time]) BETWEEN @Date_From AND @Date_To)


    GROUP BY [Description],[Slot ID],[AllocUnitId]
    ORDER BY [Slot ID]

    OPEN Page_Data_Cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM Page_Data_Cursor INTO @ConsolidatedPageID, @Slotid,@AllocUnitID

    DECLARE @hex_pageid AS VARCHAR(Max)
    /*Page ID contains File Number and page number It looks like 0001:00000130.
    In this example 0001 is file Number & 00000130 is Page Number & These numbers are in Hex format*/
    SET @Fileid=SUBSTRING(@ConsolidatedPageID,0,CHARINDEX(':',@ConsolidatedPageID)) -- Seperate File ID from Page ID
    SET @hex_pageid ='0x'+ SUBSTRING(@ConsolidatedPageID,CHARINDEX(':',@ConsolidatedPageID)+1,Len(@ConsolidatedPageID)) ---Seperate the page ID
    SELECT @Pageid=Convert(INT,cast('' AS XML).value('xs:hexBinary(substring(sql:variable("@hex_pageid"),sql:column("t.pos")) )', 'varbinary(max)')) -- Convert Page ID from hex to integer
    FROM (SELECT CASE substring(@hex_pageid, 1, 2) WHEN '0x' THEN 3 ELSE 0 END) AS t(pos)

    DELETE @temppagedata
    -- Now we need to get the actual data (After truncate) from the page

    INSERT INTO @temppagedata EXEC( 'DBCC PAGE(' + @DataBase_Name + ', ' + @fileid + ', ' + @pageid + ', 1) with tableresults,no_infomsgs;');
    ---Check if any index page is there
    If (Select Count(*) From @temppagedata Where [Field]='Record Type' And [Value]='INDEX_RECORD')=0
    DELETE @temppagedata
    INSERT INTO @temppagedata EXEC( 'DBCC PAGE(' + @DataBase_Name + ', ' + @fileid + ', ' + @pageid + ', 3) with tableresults,no_infomsgs;');
    DELETE @temppagedata

    INSERT INTO @pagedata SELECT @ConsolidatedPageID,@AllocUnitID,[ParentObject],[Object],[Field] ,[Value] FROM @temppagedata
    FETCH NEXT FROM Page_Data_Cursor INTO @ConsolidatedPageID, @Slotid,@AllocUnitID

    CLOSE Page_Data_Cursor
    DEALLOCATE Page_Data_Cursor

    DECLARE @Newhexstring VARCHAR(MAX);

    SELECT [Page ID],Substring([ParentObject],CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4, (CHARINDEX('Offset', [ParentObject])-(CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4)) ) as [Slot ID]
    FROM @pagedata C WHERE B.[Page ID]= C.[Page ID] And Substring(B.[ParentObject],CHARINDEX('Slot', B.[ParentObject])+4, (CHARINDEX('Offset', B.[ParentObject])-(CHARINDEX('Slot', B.[ParentObject])+4)) )=Substring(C.[ParentObject],CHARINDEX('Slot', C.[ParentObject])+4, (CHARINDEX('Offset', C.[ParentObject])-(CHARINDEX('Slot', C.[ParentObject])+4)) ) And
    [Object] Like '%Memory Dump%'
    FOR XML PATH('') ),1,1,'') ,' ','')
    ) AS [Value]
    From @pagedata B
    Where [Object] Like '%Memory Dump%'
    Group By [Page ID],[ParentObject],[AllocUnitId]
    Order By [Slot ID]

    the above script exist on website as below :

    but it give issue

    the goal from script it will return rows truncated data from table students



  • please don't post same issue twice.

    original thread here

    Ratbak already gave you a indication of what you should do - what did you find so far after following those instructions?

  • i write this post again because i don't mention issue on first post clear

    so i write here clear on this post

    my issue on lines below

    SELECT [Page ID],Substring([ParentObject],CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4, (CHARINDEX('Offset', [ParentObject])-(CHARINDEX('Slot', [ParentObject])+4)) ) as [Slot ID]

    so please how to solve issue of

    Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

  • Also here: Looking at your posting history, you have 106 posts over nine years. Normally I'd expect someone working on SQL Server over that time to be able to resolve this kind of issue on their own, especially when a simple search on the error message would provide the solution. When you post, could you say what you have tried to resolve the problem? That way the people who volunteer a large amount of their free time will know that you have put some effort into resolving the query and that you aren't just using them as free help

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