How to skip more than 2 rows in excel as source while importing

  • Guys,

    How to skip more than 2 rows in excel as source( case 1 first row has column names, but i dont need that header and i wanted to import data from row 3 onwards, case 2: i have data from 3rd row onwards, without header),

    i dont see any properly like flat files, skip no of rows etc.

    appreciate your help.


  • You can still configure the Excel connection manager to skip the header, but you can't configure it to skip additional rows.

    You can try to add a conditional split to remove the unnecessary rows manually. (or you can put everything in a staging table and remove the unwanted rows with a DELETE statement)

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  • If you inject a row number into you data flow, then by using the condition split transform you can control which rows go to your destination and which don't.

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  • Here is a snippet of code (copied from a post long ago, by Jeff Moden)

    It works for me

    /*Import Excel OpenRowsetSelect data from excel

    note Sheet1$a4:C start at row 4 using columns a thru c */

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'Excel 8.0;Database=C:\Temp\Test2.xls;HDR=yes',

    'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$a4:c]')

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • If you'r able to convert the original excel file into a flat file of some format, you can opt to skip any number of data rows and/or the header row, as needed, in the connection manager. The other option, as mentioned above, is to do a conditional split based on the first field to discard unnecessary records after the header.

  • Thank you All,

    we did similar to Daz.. suggession



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