How to send mail from SQLServer w_out exchange

  • May appreciate any pointers or articles that will help set up sql server to send emails without having to install exchange on the server

    Thanks in advance for the assistance



  • Take a look at Gert Draapers' xp_smtp_sendmail. It is an extended stored procedure that uses SMTP to send mail. In SQL Server 2005 there is a new component called Database Mail that lets you do the same.

  • 'bmail'  (free download) is also reliable using xp_cmdshell[/url]

  • Thanks for your responses.

    Before exploring the newer options.You  may be interested to know that  I have outlook installed.xp_startmail runs just fine and xp_sendmail runs for hours with no feedback .

    Any response will be received with gratitude



  • What version of MS Outlook are you using?

    If you are using something other than the base Outlook 2000 version or newer, you will experience this. As I understand, in Outlook 2000 SR-1 and later, Microsoft had put in some code in to prevent viruses from being automatically sent via code and this broke this feature in SQL (Outlook Object Model Guard).

    We had a similar thing with our servers--Mapi starts and stops but when an email is sent it never arrives. When we went back to the base install of Outlook 2000, it started working again. I have since switched to a customized method to send emails and alerts.

    Can't wait for the new version of SQL Database Mail.


  • Code snippet from a Visual basic script that I use to send email without outlook.  Just set msgHTML to any HTml or text.

    Sub MailMsg ()


    'Objective: Build a report and send it via email


    Dim objEmail

    Dim iBp

    dim iBp1

    dim Flds

    Dim Stm

    Dim strSubject


    strSubject =strSubject & " for "  & strDatabase    ' Mail subject


    ' Message body is built with web content, set the headers first


    msgHTML ="<H3> Backup Database report for " & strSqlInstance & " " & strDatabase & "</H3>"

    msgHTML = msgHTML & "<H3> Job Started at: " & JStartTS & " </H3>"

    msgHTML = msgHTML & "<TABLE border=2><TR><TH><B>Job Step</B></TH>"

    msgHTML = msgHTML & "<TH><B>Step Message</B></TH><TH><B>Step Status</B></TH>"

    msgHTML = msgHTML & "<TH><B>Log Time </B></TH><TH><B>Elapsed Time</B></TH></TR>"


    'Now Process the Report recordset to create the table rows





    Do Until rsReport.EOF

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<TR>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<td>" & rsReport.Fields.Item("JobStep") & "</td>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<td>" & rsReport.Fields.Item("JobStepMsg") & "</td>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<td>" & rsReport.Fields.Item("JobStepStatus") & "</td>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<td>" & rsReport.Fields.Item("TimeNow") & "</td>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "<td>" & DateDiff("n",JStartTS,rsReport.Fields.Item("TimeNow")) & "</td>"

             msgHTML = msgHTML & "</TR>"



    msgHTML = msgHTML & "</table>"


    ' Message body done, send the mail message


    ' Do not change these lines,  they work


    Set objEmail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

    objEmail.From = strFrom

    objEmail.To = strTo

    objEmail.Subject = strSubject

    set iBp= objEmail.BodyPart

    Set iBp1 = iBp.AddBodyPart

    set Flds =Ibp1

    Set Flds = iBp1.Fields

    Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "text/html"


    ' get the stream and add message HTML text to it

    Set Stm = iBp1.GetDecodedContentStream

    Stm.WriteText msgHTML


    Set Flds = iBp.Fields

    Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "multipart/alternative"


    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _

    ("") = 2

    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _

    ("") = _


    objEmail.Configuration.Fields.Item _

    ("") = 25



    Set  objEMail = Nothing

    call JobLog("","MailMsg","Ended",JobErr)

    End sub



  • You can very much send mail from SQL Server without using exchange.

    Follow the Microsoft Knowledge Base article :;en-us;312839




  • Something in SJs reply reminded me of something I found very helpful since the Outlook Security updates "broke" the ability to send a batch of emails from the Address Book.

    This applies especially to MAPI.    I found a small "freebie" programme which can be downloaded  and it can be incorporated into VBA, etc code.   It is called "Express Click Yes".     Cannot recall the web site but if you search on that name, it is bound to turn up for you.

    Basically, when turned on, it automatically clicks the "Yes" button at eavch dispatch, meaning you can walk away from the workstation asnd let it do the job for you.

    MY sincerew thanks to the generous author if this little programme!



    Lester Vincent



  • Something in SJs reply reminded me of something I found very helpful since the Outlook Security updates "broke" the ability to send a batch of emails from the Address Book.

    This applies especially to MAPI.    I found a small "freebie" programme which can be downloaded  and it can be incorporated into VBA, etc code.   It is called "Express Click Yes".     Cannot recall the web site but if you search on that name, it is bound to turn up for you.

    Basically, when turned on, it automatically clicks the "Yes" button at each dispatch, meaning you can walk away from the workstation and let it do the job for you.

    MY sincere thanks to the generous author of this little programme!



    Lester Vincent



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