How to select code type 1900 and 1885 when exist at least one time per part ?

  • How to select code type 1900 and 1885 when exist at least one time per part ?

    I work on sql server 2012 I face issue I can't select Parts from table trades

    that exist at least one time per for code type 1900 and 1885

    so i need to make query select and get parts that

    1- have code type 1885 or code type 1900 or both

    2- if part id have code type 1885 or 1900 multiple time per part display it as part 20890

    3- if code type have 1885 and have also code type 1995 not display part as 22390

    4-if part have code type 1900 and code type 3400 not display part as 27981

    what i try

    select * from #PartsTransactions where codetype in (1885,1900)

    but what i do on another case

    so how to make query do all all points above and give me result below

     create table #PartsTransactions
    TradeCodesId int identity(1,1),
    PartId int,
    CodeType int,
    Code int,
    PartLevel int
    insert into #PartsTransactions(PartId,CodeType,Code,PartLevel)


    expected result

  • Maybe something like this

    with part_cte as (
    select PartId,
    sum(case when CodeType=1885 then 1 else 0 end) n1885_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=1900 then 1 else 0 end) n1900_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=1995 then 1 else 0 end) n1995_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=3400 then 1 else 0 end) n3400_count
    from #PartsTransactions
    group by PartId)
    select p.*, pt.*,
    case when p.n1885_count>1 or p.n1900_count>1 then 20890 /* accomplish #2 */
    else pt.PartId end calc_PartId
    from part_cte p
    join #PartsTransactions pt on p.PartId=pt.PartId
    where (p.n1885_count+p.n1900_count)>0 /* accomplish #1 */
    and not((p.n1885_count>0 and p.n1995_count>0) and pt.PartId=22390) /* accomplish #3 */
    and not((p.n1900_count>0 and p.n3400_count>0) and pt.PartId=27981) /* accomplish #4 */
    order by TradeCodesId;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • thank you for reply

    but sample is static code

    I need query to be not static


    as pt.PartId=22390

    because table have more than 1000000 rows

  • What needs to be dynamic?

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • I think he means this..

    Just trimming Steve's code, this produces the "expected result"

    with part_cte as (
    select PartId,
    sum(case when CodeType=1885 then 1 else 0 end) n1885_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=1900 then 1 else 0 end) n1900_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=1995 then 1 else 0 end) n1995_count,
    sum(case when CodeType=3400 then 1 else 0 end) n3400_count
    from #PartsTransactions
    group by PartId)
    select pt.TradeCodesId, pt.PartId, pt.CodeType, pt.Code, pt.PartLevel
    from part_cte p
    join #PartsTransactions pt on p.PartId=pt.PartId
    where (p.n1885_count+p.n1900_count)>0 /* accomplish #1 */
    and not(p.n1885_count>0 and p.n1995_count>0) /* accomplish #3 */
    and not(p.n1900_count>0 and p.n3400_count>0) /* accomplish #4 */
    order by TradeCodesId;


  • thank you very much

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