How to run a Remote sql job

  • Hi All,

    How can i execute a job from one server to other server?

    Say for example: lets Server A having backup job. so i need to execute a backup job on server b

    shall i build a linked server between two servers and

    In Server B

    exec Server A.msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 'backupjob'

    The above method correct or not?

    If any changes are there.. kinldy let me know..

    Thanks & Regards


  • balaji.ganga (10/25/2010)

    Hi All,

    How can i execute a job from one server to other server?

    Say for example: lets Server A having backup job. so i need to execute a backup job on server b

    shall i build a linked server between two servers and

    In Server B

    exec Server A.msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 'backupjob'

    The above method correct or not?

    If any changes are there.. kinldy let me know..

    Thanks & Regards



    What you are trying to do?

    What you want to execute from A server to B server ?

    Backup job is a job so you no need to run that one it will automatically run @ the specified time

    If you want to execute a query it is fine

    exec Server A.msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 'backupjob'

    if you want to run the job it will automatically run you no need to do anything




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