How to Reverse Engineer the Current Settings for sp_trace_create

  • OK here's my prototype for scripting out the traces;

    I created a procedure where you have to pass the trace id, and it seems to script everything out .

    note this assumes that you are scripting something out to create it again as NEW; so for example, if you script out the default trace, and run the script, it creates a NEW trace (ie traceid 2,3, etc) that happens to have the same settings...but at least you could then tweak the code before executing it.

    it worked just fine for my two traces i have, and the part i thougth was critical was to name what the commands are doing as a comment;

    you might see stuff like this :

    exec sp_trace_setevent @traceidout,55,6,@on --Hash Warning,NTUserName

    exec sp_trace_setevent @traceidout,55,7,@on --Hash Warning,NTDomainName

    and for a filter:

    exec sp_trace_setfilter traceidout,10,0,6, N'SQLT%' -- AND ApplicationName LIKE SQLT%

    exec sp_trace_setfilter traceidout,10,0,6, N'MS%' -- AND ApplicationName LIKE MS%

    could you please play with it a bit and give me some feedback; it seems pretty close, i fixed a few things like default values if a trace haad some HULLS, but i only had three traces to test against.

    --select * from sys.traces

    --drop procedure sp_ScriptAnyTrace

    --sp_ScriptAnyTrace 3

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_ScriptAnyTrace](@traceid int)




    declare @Results TABLE(ResultsId int identity(1,1),ResultsText varchar(max))

    --i thought about using a results table, decided i wanted a single varchar max string instead,

    --then had to revernt back to a results table because of concat truncation issues with implicit conversions to varchar(8000)

    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.traces where id = @traceid)


    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'No trace exists with ID = ' + convert(varchar,@traceid)

    SELECT * FROM @Results order by ResultsID



    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT '--declare variables for parameterizing the command ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @traceidout int ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @options int ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @path nvarchar(256) ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @maxfilesize bigint ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @maxRolloverFiles int ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @stoptime datetime ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'declare @on bit ' UNION ALL


    SELECT 'set @on = 1 --for scripting purposes, I think its better Always setting a script to start the trace after creation.'

    --script the settings from sys.traces

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'set @maxfilesize = ' + CASE WHEN max_size IS NULL THEN '20' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,max_size) END + ' --size in MB ' from sys.traces WHERE id =@traceid

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'set @maxRolloverFiles = ' + CASE WHEN max_files IS NULL THEN ' 5 ' ELSE CONVERT(varchar,max_files) END + ' --number of files; ie if 5 files, start rewriting on rollover ' from sys.traces WHERE id =@traceid

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'set @stoptime = ' + CASE WHEN stop_time IS NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE '''' + CONVERT(varchar(40),stop_time,121)+ '''' END + ' -- null if never ends, else a specific date ' from sys.traces WHERE id =@traceid

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'set @options = 2' --rollover, ignore all other settings.

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT 'set @path = ''' + CASE WHEN path IS NULL THEN 'mytrace' ELSE LEFT(path,LEN(path) - 4) END + '''' + ' -- the trace adds ".trc" to the pathname, so avoiad "name.trc.trc" by removing it for scripting ' from sys.traces WHERE id =@traceid

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ''

    --sp_trace_create [ @traceid = ] trace_id OUTPUT

    --, [ @options = ] option_value

    --, [ @tracefile = ] 'trace_file'

    --[ , [ @maxfilesize = ] max_file_size ]

    --[ , [ @stoptime = ] 'stop_time' ]

    --[ , [ @filecount = ] 'max_rollover_files' ]

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ' --create the trace '

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT '--create the trace ' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'exec sp_trace_create ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @traceid = @traceidout output, ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @options = @options, ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @tracefile = @path, ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @maxfilesize = @maxfilesize, ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @stoptime = @stoptime, ' UNION ALL

    SELECT ' @filecount = @maxRolloverFiles '


    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ''

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ' --for the Event Every SQL statement completed, capture columns of accessible data '

    --exec sp_trace_setevent @traceidout, 12, 6, @on --SQL:BatchCompleted,NTUserName

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    SELECT ' exec sp_trace_setevent @traceidout,' + CONVERT(varchar(max),X.eventid) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(max),X.columnid) + ',@on --'

    + E.Name + ',' +

    from ::fn_trace_geteventinfo(1) AS X

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_events E ON X.eventid = E.trace_event_id

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_columns V ON X.columnid = V.trace_column_id

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT '--filters'

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ''

    insert into @Results(ResultsText)

    select ' exec sp_trace_setfilter traceidout' + ','

    + CONVERT(varchar,X.columnid) + ','

    + CONVERT(varchar,logical_operator) + ','

    + CONVERT(varchar,comparison_operator) + ','

    + ' N''' + CONVERT(varchar(8000),value) + ''' '

    + ' -- ' + CASE WHEN logical_operator = 0 THEN ' AND ' ELSE ' OR ' END +

    + CASE

    WHEN comparison_operator = 0 THEN ' = '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 1 THEN ' <> '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 2 THEN ' > '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 3 THEN ' < '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 4 THEN ' >= '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 5 THEN ' <= '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 6 THEN ' LIKE '

    WHEN comparison_operator = 7 THEN ' NOT LIKE '


    + CONVERT(varchar(8000),value)


    ::fn_trace_getfilterinfo(@traceid) X

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_columns V

    ON X.columnid = V.trace_column_id

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT '---final step'

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ''

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT '--turn on the trace '

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ' exec sp_trace_setstatus @traceidout, 1 ---start trace '

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ' --exec sp_trace_setstatus TRACEID, 0 ---stop trace, you must know the traceid to stop it '

    insert into @Results(ResultsText) SELECT ' --exec sp_trace_setstatus TRACEID, 2 ---close trace you must know the traceid to delete it '

    SELECT * FROM @Results order by ResultsID



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Work of art.

    it appears to work better than the profiler's script trace definition.

    you're one smart dog, Lowell!

  • Lowell (2/10/2010)

    OK here's my prototype for scripting out the traces;

    Nice job!

  • Thanks, works great!

  • Mike Good (11/30/2010)

    Thanks, works great!

    thank you for the feedback! glad it helped you out!


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

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