How to retrieve NEW Jobhistories...

  • I am struggling with an overview of jobhistory. I am so far as to convert job_runtime and job_rundate into a valid Datetime format and to load the current jobhistory into a user-table. What I cannot accomplish until now is to select only the new entries in the sysjobhistory table compared to what is already loaded in my user-table. I am struggling with the aggregate limits and the group by restrictions, and the script to STUFF the rundate and runtime values into a datetime format.

    I've Googled around, but have not been able to just get these new records. Any link known on how to accomplish this?

    The script I use to initially fill the user-table goes like this:

    INSERT INTO tJobReport (





    [runstatus] ,




    select distinct 'AEBDBS01', j.Name , j.description, j.enabled, h.run_status,

    stuff(stuff(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6),h.run_duration),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':'),

    convert(datetime,cast(h.run_date as varchar(8)) + ' ' + stuff(stuff(right('000000' + convert(varchar(6), cast(h.run_time as varchar(6))),6),5,0,':'),3,0,':'))

    from [AEBDBS01].msdb.dbo.sysJobHistory h, [AEBDBS01].msdb.dbo.sysJobs j

    where j.job_id = h.job_id

    Hans Brouwer

  • Just quickly looking at your problem. Why don't you include the job_id in your user-table, and then left outer join on both the job_id and the run_date and run_time fields. If you can wait until tonight, i will create the script. I don't really have the time now.

  • Problem is solved with an EXCPT construction.

    Tnx for answering.

    Hans Brouwer

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