how to restore 12 gb backup file it on sqlserver 2012

  • I have 12.5 GB database backup file.i want to restore it on SQL Server 2012 ,when i m restore database then it shows Executing(100%) I wait 2 hours but still database not restore continue its showing Executing(100%)…

    plz help me how to restore 12 gb database in sqlserver 2008 2 or 2012 .......

  • What command are you using to do the restore, or are you using the GUI? If you're using the GUI, please use the Script button on the Restore Database window to generate the script.


  • shashianireddy (12/20/2016)

    I have 12.5 GB database backup file.i want to restore it on SQL Server 2012 ,when i m restore database then it shows Executing(100%) I wait 2 hours but still database not restore continue its showing Executing(100%)…

    plz help me how to restore 12 gb database in sqlserver 2008 2 or 2012 .......

    I think it it possible that you have to wait such a long time because uncommitted transactions need to be rolled back (the recovery) to keep the database consistent.

    If you can't wait so long, you could try my method (well, not just my method...):

    1. Set the database in single-user mode

    2. Set the database in simple recovery mode

    3. Shrink the database and Transaction log to avoid restoring White space

    4. Detach the database and copy it to the target Server

    5. Hang the database on to the instance

    6. Set the database in full recovery mode

    7. Rebuild all Indexes

    8. Ensure the database is in Multi user mode

    There is more to do than simply restoring a backup but I have found it to be the best solution for me.

  • FIX: It takes a long time to restore a database in SQL Server 2008 R2 or in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL 2012

  • Sreejith! (12/20/2016)

    FIX: It takes a long time to restore a database in SQL Server 2008 R2 or in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL 2012

    The restore is the easy is the recovery that takes a long time if the Transaction log is large

  • If you have the latest patches,then problem is due to high VLF count.

    You can find out the VLF's count using below command

    dbcc loginfo('databasename');

  • How large is the transaction log file? When the backup runs is there some very long running update, delete, insert process running that hasn't committed yet?

    Next time you run the restore script it out and run it manually in Mgt Studio.

    Also, you can run this command and see what it says as the restore is running. My guess is it is allocating a very large transaction log file with a lot of data changes in it.

    Select r.command

    , s.text

    , r.start_time

    , r.percent_complete

    , cast(((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate())) / 3600) As varchar) + ' hour(s), '

    + cast((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate()) % 3600) / 60 As varchar) + 'min, '

    + cast((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate()) % 60) As varchar) + ' sec' As running_time

    , cast((r.estimated_completion_time / 3600000) As varchar) + ' hour(s), '

    + cast((r.estimated_completion_time % 3600000) / 60000 As varchar) + 'min, '

    + cast((r.estimated_completion_time % 60000) / 1000 As varchar) + ' sec' As est_time_to_go

    , dateadd(second, r.estimated_completion_time / 1000, getdate()) As est_completion_time

    From sys.dm_exec_requests r

    Cross Apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) s

    Where r.command Like 'DBCC%'


  • Markus (12/21/2016)

    How large is the transaction log file? When the backup runs is there some very long running update, delete, insert process running that hasn't committed yet?

    Next time you run the restore script it out and run it manually in Mgt Studio.

    Also, you can run this command and see what it says as the restore is running. My guess is it is allocating a very large transaction log file with a lot of data changes in it.

    Select r.command

    , s.text

    , r.start_time

    , r.percent_complete

    , cast(((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate())) / 3600) As varchar) + ' hour(s), '

    + cast((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate()) % 3600) / 60 As varchar) + 'min, '

    + cast((datediff(second, r.start_time, getdate()) % 60) As varchar) + ' sec' As running_time

    , cast((r.estimated_completion_time / 3600000) As varchar) + ' hour(s), '

    + cast((r.estimated_completion_time % 3600000) / 60000 As varchar) + 'min, '

    + cast((r.estimated_completion_time % 60000) / 1000 As varchar) + ' sec' As est_time_to_go

    , dateadd(second, r.estimated_completion_time / 1000, getdate()) As est_completion_time

    From sys.dm_exec_requests r

    Cross Apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) s

    Where r.command Like 'DBCC%'


    Here the problem isn't whether or not the transaction log file is large rather how many uncommitted transactions need to be rolled back.

    After all, it is possible to have a file that is 50GB big but only 1% used. That is why I suggested the detach /attach earlier in the post.

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