How to resend email in Database Mail?

  • I have an email that sql server says was sent okay, but the recipient (me) never received.

    How do you have db mail resend an email it thinks was sent okay?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • You can re-run the query or a job that sent you this db mail.

    But before you do that try to find your original email:

    - Look in the Junk mail folder. We sometimes get our important emails there

    - If it is not in the Junk Mail folder, trace the route of your database mail. It works with SMTP, so I would check what SMTP relay is specified in SMTP setup of Database Mail and talk to that server admin. In my experience, admins tell you if the mail successfully passed SMTP server or there was a problem. We were able to resolve a lot of issues this way.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • The database mail is working... I've received mails both before and after the missing one.

    And the emails are set up with a filter to go into a specific folder, so they are not in the junk folder.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Then just re-run the job that sends emails.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • can you find traces of your missing in action mail in these objects ?

    use msdb


    exec sysmail_help_queue_sp -- @queue_type = 'Mail'


    select *

    -- delete

    from sysmail_event_log

    order by log_date desc

    select *

    from sysmail_mailattachments

    select *

    from sysmail_allitems

    order by sent_date


    SELECT [account_id]








    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_account]

    SELECT [attachment_id]







    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_attachments]

    SELECT [transfer_id]






    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_attachments_transfer]

    SELECT [mailitem_id]



























    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_mailitems]

    SELECT [profile_id]





    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_principalprofile]

    SELECT [profile_id]





    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_profile]

    SELECT [profile_id]





    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_profileaccount]

    SELECT [uid]



    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_query_transfer]

    SELECT [conversation_handle]




    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_send_retries]

    SELECT [account_id]











    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_server]

    SELECT [servertype]





    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_servertype]



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  • ALZDBA (3/11/2009)

    can you find traces of your missing in action mail in these objects ?

    It's in sysmail_allitems, with a status of sent. As well as the other emails that I did get.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • as a former exchange admin, you have to go to the email folks and trace the email from the smtp server to the mailbox server to see if it was really received by the email system and delivered

  • As SQL Noob stated, contact your mail admins, they will be able to find your mail (or in an output queue or in an received state, but maybe filtered by anti-spam, ... settings.

    We've had some mails rejected because of title content (mail title was generated by the query in the send mail job)


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  • Well, 18 hours after it was sent, I finally received that email.

    However, the original question remains. In all of the msdb..sysmail objects, can a sent email be set to be resent? If so, how?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • check out the BOL section on db mail

    last year we had an issue where we had a full transaction log in a db with a table that has 300 million or so rows. it generated almost 2 million alerts of which around 1 million were sent via email and almost crashed the mail servers.

    i ended up deleting the unsent messages that were still in msdb waiting to be sent. forgot how i did it, but it took me around 20 minutes of skimming BOL

  • I didn't test resend features for dbmail.

    I don't think this feature is supported, unless you actually recompose the mail and issue another sp_send_dbmail


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  • WayneS (3/11/2009)

    I have an email that sql server says was sent okay, but the recipient (me) never received.

    How do you have db mail resend an email it thinks was sent okay?

    Hello WayneS,

    I found the answer, remembered there was a forum question, so am responding for you and all others...

    I was reading through the system SP that send the email, [msdb].[dbo].[sp_send_dbmail], and came upon these lines at approx line 453. I executed them separately with a MailItem_ID, and it was resent.

    -- Create the primary SSB xml maessage

    SET @sendmailxml = ''

    + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), @mailitem_id) + N''

    -- Send the send request on queue.

    EXEC @rc = sp_SendMailQueues @sendmailxml

    IF @rc 0


    RAISERROR(14627, 16, 1, @rc, 'send mail')

    GOTO ErrorHandler;


    So, it seems all you have to do is construct an entry for the broker, sent it in, and viola. it'll resend it.

    Hope this helps, (I know it'll help me)


    Just a cog in the wheel.

  • Works like a charm.

    Thanks for the tip Starunit. :smooooth:

    Keep in mind, that with every hotfix / servicepack, this needs to be rechecked (composition of the xml as well as the working of the sproc !)

    But also there, copy/paste will help out :w00t:


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  • Hello starunit,

    Thanks for finding this little bit of code, and for coming back, finding this post, and posting the reply.

    I've enhanced the code... the following code will resend all of today's failed messages.

    declare @mailitem_id int,

    @sendmailxml varchar(max),

    @rc int,

    @StartDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime

    -- get the dates to use in the query

    set @StartDate = convert(datetime, convert(char(8), GetDate(), 112))

    set @EndDate = @StartDate + 1

    declare cFailedMail cursor for

    SELECT mailitem_id

    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[sysmail_faileditems]

    WHERE send_request_date >= @StartDate

    AND send_request_date < @EndDate

    open cFailedMail

    fetch next from cFailedMail into @mailitem_id

    while @@fetch_status = 0 begin

    -- Create the primary SSB xml maessage

    SET @sendmailxml = '<requests:SendMail xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" RequestTypes.xsd" xmlns:requests=""><MailItemId>'

    + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(20), @mailitem_id) + N'</MailItemId></requests:SendMail>'

    -- Send the send request on queue.

    EXEC @rc = sp_SendMailQueues @sendmailxml

    IF @rc <> 0


    RAISERROR(14627, 16, 1, @rc, 'send mail')


    fetch next from cFailedMail into @mailitem_id


    close cFailedMail

    deallocate cFailedMail

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
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  • Hi WayneS,

    Thanks for posting your wrapper: I'll keep it on file.

    I've got a couple too, but mostly I just need to correct a Recipient address and resend, so normally need to deal with one or two at a time. BUT: last year our mail server was down, and I had to deal with hundreds.. whattamess!

    BTW: I happened on the code by accident: I was looking for a way to set the 'ReplyTo' dynamically when sending the email. If anyone from Microsoft reads this: we need for the ReplyTo to be accessible as a parameter when sending the mail, not as it currently is - a static value on the MailAccount.

    Cheers all,

    Mark Starr

    Just a cog in the wheel.

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