how to remove null values from pivot sql

  • hello

    How can I remove NULL from SQL-Server PIVOT

    create  table #test
    (code_option varchar(10)
    ,agent char(2)
    ,exercice int
    ,unite int

    insert into #test values ('op100','a1','2019','5')
    insert into #test values ('op101','a2','2020','15')
    insert into #test values ('op102','a3','2018','10')
    insert into #test values ('op103','a2','2016','8')
    insert into #test values ('op104','a4','2017','5')
    insert into #test values ('op105','a1','2019','10')
    insert into #test values ('op107','a3','2019','5')
    insert into #test values ('op107','a4','2016','10')
    insert into #test values ('op108','a3','2015','20')
    insert into #test values ('op109','a2','2020','5')
    insert into #test values ('op110','a1','2018','6')

    SELECT distinct(agent),
    [2020], [2019], [2018], [2017], [2016] , [2015]
    (SELECT distinct(agent),exercice,unite
    FROM #test ) AS SourceTable
    FOR exercice IN ([2020], [2019], [2018], [2017], [2016] , [2015] )
    ) AS PivotTable;


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  • Remove? Or replace? What do you want to see instead?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Here's an alternative way, which puts in zeros rather than NULLs

    SELECT t.agent
    ,[2020] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2020 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    ,[2019] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2019 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    ,[2018] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2018 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    ,[2017] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2017 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    ,[2016] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2016 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    ,[2015] = SUM((CASE WHEN t.exercice = 2015 THEN unite ELSE 0 END))
    FROM #test t
    GROUP BY t.agent

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • You can't remove them from the PIVOT, but you can use COALESCE() or ISNULL() to replace the NULL results with some other value.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • The method that Phil posted is known as a "CROSSTAB" and was the way we did pivots long before the  PIVOT operator became available.  CROSSTABs are also generally faster than PIVOTs and are certainly easier and faster than using multiple PIVOT operators to create (for example) parallel pivots in the results for things like QTY and AMT.


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