How to optimize this SQL code of datetime

  • Hi,

    Anyone know of a better way to optimize

    my query below so that the optimizer will

    do a clustered index seek insteads of the

    clustered index scan. Those commented out

    code are those code that I test with.

    In addition, is there any function to

    convert datetime to numeric value

    and vice versa. I am thinking of

    using it to convert my datetime

    to numeric for my query use instead.

    -- index on PD_INDEX pd_security(product_id)

    select * from pd_security


    --cast(exp_dt as datetime) = '9999-12-31'

    --convert(char(10),exp_dt,21) = '9999-12-31'

    exp_dt = cast('9999-12-31' as datetime)

  • exp_dt = cast('9999-12-31' as datetime) would be preferable, since sql server only has to convert once and can use an index on exp_dt.

    Otherwise it has to convert each value and possibly loses the index search ability.

    Is there an index on exp_dt ? (since product_id is of little relevance in the seek)

  • What is the data-type for the exp_dt column ? And what kind of values do you have in that column ?

    exp_dt = cast('9999-12-31' as datetime)

    maynot yield right results at all if you are storing datetime values in a string data-type field and if those values have time portions as well. Same is true if that is a datetime data-type and if the values have time portions in it.

    On a different note, what Jo said above is correct. If you apply functions on indexed columns then indexes do not get used (Oracle has a concept of Function Based Indexes but SQL Server does not - unless you use a computed column and index it), so stay clear of applying functions on indexed columns in searches.

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