How to make sum of values for the month?

  • Hi Friends

    i ve the table like

    create table expense


    bill_date datetime,

    travel int,

    fixed int,

    food int,

    lodge int


    insert into expense values('01-04-2014',1200,250,0,0)



    like i ve 30th onwards.....

    expecting o/p:

    month Travel Fixed Food Lodge

    apr-14 200 550 500 600

    these cum column values how to make a code ?????

  • Is this what you are looking for

    select MONTH(bill_date), YEAR(bill_date),SUM(travel),SUM(fixed),SUM(food),SUM(lodge)

    from dbo.expense

    group by MONTH(bill_date), YEAR(bill_date)

    order by MONTH(bill_date), YEAR(bill_date)

    Difficult to know if that's what you want as your sample data don't seem to relate to the expected result.

  • Try something like this:


    CONVERT(nvarchar(30), GETDATE(), 6) AS Month ;


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Also you can use following to trim result:


    SUBSTRING (CONVERT(nvarchar(15), GETDATE(), 6), 4,6) AS Month;


    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Hi friend,

    Here one problem is there

    my table contains the info authorized date also


    create table expense


    bill_date datetime,

    travel int,

    fixed int,

    food int,

    lodge int


    insert into expense values('01-04-2014 00:00:00',1200,250,0,0)

    ('02-04-2014 00:00:00','0',0,500,600)

    ('0-04-2014 00:00:00','800',300,0,0)

    like i ve 30th onwards.....

    when accounts people authorisethe travel claim the current info total values of expenses ll stored in that table

    ('15-05-2014 14:22:17',200, 550, 500, 600)

    when i tried to give the date range '2014-03-01' to '2014-05-31'

    these authorized date give to neglect that???

  • I don't see an authorized date column in your table, but if you want to exclude anything that hasn't been authorized, simply use a where clause to exclude the unauthorized rows. For example:

    AND AuthorizedDate IS NOT NULL

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