How to make row number start by 1 instead of 0 when make union all?

  • I work on SQL server 2012 i face issue i can't arrange rows from 1,2,3,4,5

    current arrange is 0,1,2,3 for rownumber

    i need row number start by 1 then 2,3,4,5,etc

    select H.lifecycleid,H.ZPartID,H.ZLC,H.ProccessingDate,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(Partition by H.ZPartID ORDER BY H.ProccessingDate DESC) AS Row_Number into #arrangeHistory
    from #TempLC t inner join parts.LifeCycleHistory H on H.ZPartID=t.ZPartID

    --3---get data related to part master and history ordered by row number
    --master is first and history second
    --master is 0
    --history is bigger than 0
    select * into #tempFullRows from
    select m.lifecycleid, m.ZPartID,m.ZLC,m.ProccessingDate,0 as Row_Number
    from parts.LifeCycleMaster m inner join #TempLC t on m.ZPartID=t.ZPartID and t.status is null
    union all
    SELECT * FROM #arrangeHistory
    )as tempdata
  • For the counting to begin at 1 maybe you could assign the value 1 to rows where the status is null.  Then UNION ALL for the additional rows with the ROW_NUMBER function +1.  No sample data so maybe this works

    select m.lifecycleid, m.ZPartID, m.ZLC, m.ProccessingDate, 
    1 as row_num
    into #arrangeHistory
    from parts.LifeCycleMaster m
    join #TempLC t on m.ZPartID=t.ZPartID
    and t.status is null
    union all
    select H.lifecycleid,H.ZPartID,H.ZLC,H.ProccessingDate,
    row_number() over(partition by H.ZPartID order by h.ProccessingDate desc)+1 as row_num
    from #TempLC t
    join parts.LifeCycleHistory H on H.ZPartID=t.ZPartID;

    select *
    from #arrangeHistory
    order by ZPartID, row_num;

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