How to list all the objects of another server

  • one last question, do you know how to use SP_HELPTEXT, say I want to get the content of a stored procedure in ServerB by running it in ServerA?

    i tried SP_HELPTEXT 'ServerB.Database1.dbo.SP_Test' but it gives me an error.

    thanks in advance!

  • reggae_blur (11/9/2010)

    one last question, do you know how to use SP_HELPTEXT, say I want to get the content of a stored procedure in ServerB by running it in ServerA?

    i tried SP_HELPTEXT 'ServerB.Database1.dbo.SP_Test' but it gives me an error.

    thanks in advance!

    Did you read my prrvious replay

    FQN-- select * from [LSname].[dbname].[schema].[object]

    Muthukkumaran SQLDBA


    This is the object 'SP_HELPTEXT'

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

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