how to get SSIS Server Name

  • Hey everybody I hope someone could help me out with this. I need to know if there is a way to know the SSIS Server Name but using a system variable or a query. Like when you want to know the name of your SQL Server Database Engine you use @@ServerName, is there anything like that to get the SSIS Server Name?

    I hope anyone can help me out.

    Thanks in advance!!!!!

  • From in the SSIS package?

    There is a system variable in SSIS called MachineName that will be the server the SSIS package is executing on.

  • but from T-Sql???

  • I guess I don't understand what you are asking for. The database engine would not know anything about an SSIS engine. However, since SSIS cannot have a named instance, you could assume that the local SSIS server is the host name of the local machine.

  • Sorry about not being so clear in explaining what I wanted 🙁

    Yeah after a while of wandering around the web, as you said, there isn't apparently any relationship between my database engine and my SSIS server.

    I could assume what you said about both servers having the same name "most of the times" is right "most of the times" but since in SQL Server 2k5, the database engine and the SSIS are independent services they could have different names. I have that on my developepment :S and I am worried about that happening on my production enviroment too.

    But I have had an idea XD what about the MSDB database?When you install your packages, you can install them on that database, do you guys think there is chance there of finding out the name of my SSIS server name?

  • No.

    The SSIS Server knows what server the MDSB database is on (it is in a config file) but the msdb database does not know which SSIS server stored a package in it.

    This is clearly not a configuration that is going to change very often on you - it cannot be dynamic. Perhaps you just need to add a configuration table to your database and put the SSIS server name in it.

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