How to get from MSBI land to LAMP (youtubes, sites, books)?

  • I have recently come to realize that the way I know how to do things is not the only way to do them. I was backed into learning enough MySQL to move a database onto MySQL and found that it was remarkably easy for a free tool. So if I can replace the database with a free database that probably (I only have a month on it!) has enough features (procedures, transactions, indexes) to do the work, what are , or does there exist, open source alternatives for the BI factory we have come to know and love?

    By BI factory, I mean a production line of etl/elt, transactions, ods, warehousing, external data integration and finally a tier for cubes, analytics, visualizations and reporting?

    So is there an open source etl tool?

    MySQL can do a transaction, house a relational model and a dimensional model, so that gets us through the business process, through its conforming and ready for cubing.

    Is there an open source multi dimensional and or tabular model tool?

    Are there open source tools that let you query that multi dimensional or tabular model with MDX or DAX?

    I know R generates statistical output for data mining models, and it has a community and is free, but that's only half of anlaysis services. What do you do for creating cubes in open source land?

    And finally, what is there to replace reporting services.

    Or, is this a wrong headed question, meaning, LAMP and MSBI are for two different kinds of organizations, and if you are a corporate type, you are married to the MSBI method and toolset but if you are a non profit or startup, well, to mangle a James Brown line, a company's got to use what its got to get what it wants.

    thanks for bearing with me


    it is my perception that MS introduced DTS and SSRS ages back to sew up the vertical nature of the factory and defend against Crystal and, well, im not sure they were thinking Informatica or not, but the odd thing is that those that were once defenses have become the new standard or moats someone else would have to bridge in order to recreate that integrated user experience. But I was still very impressed by MySQL, so I guess its even odder that the engine has kind of been abstracted, at least at the mickey mouse level at which I use it.

  • I know for ETL you have Talend and Pentaho. Haven't really worked with those tools yet.

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  • Give Pentaho a shot.

    Word of caution: Just because the software is free, doesn't mean it's economical.

  • Yes, I see they seem to offer the factory.

    From what I understand so far, MySQL is the relational/dimensional store for Mondrian, and there are a bunch of add ons from etl to reports.

    Another branch I have become aware of is called icCube

    I was surprised that (I might be wrong here...just reading still) although you can execute MDX, it has to be wrapped in java, kind of like a prepared sql statement for a front end. but its java only, no power shell or C#. (nor does there seem to be a way to do tabular and DAX BUT M$)

    I am not sure this is going to be worth the effort, but wont know until I spend a little more time figuring it instinct is that it is important to know because of its ubiquity and applicability to 'sub enterprise scale' implementations...the advertising and promotion and feature development is always testing the envelope, but I don't work on the edge 🙂

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