How to Get Field Value From Another Row And Use It In Existing Row

  • The title of my post doesn't make much sense, but here's what i'm trying to do here -

    I have two rows with have the same PHARMACY_CLAIM_NO but two different CLAIM_TRANSACTION_IDs.  If the PHARMACY_CLAIM_NO in the record is contained within the first set of characters in the CLAIM_TRANSACTION_ID, then populate '000000000000000000" for the CLAIM_XREF_TRANSACTION_ID  (this will be considered the parent).  If the PHARMACY_CLAIM_NO is not contained within the CLAIM_TRANSACTION_ID, then populate the CLAIM_TRANSACTION_ID  from the record which has 0000 (the parent) .

    From the screenshot I posted, the second row (which is NULL currently for CLAIM_XREF_TRANSACTION_ID) should contain 19469039336670 instead of NULL.  I'm not sure how to get the value from the first record into the field in the second record.

    Nothing I try works and i'm pulling my hair out


  • It is hard to work from a screenshot. It would make more sense if you mocked up a table and had a little data.

    You can check using SUBSTRING to compare two twos what you'd have to do is get the two rows into a join. For example, if you run this, you can see how this might work. Note that you need to have some way of separating the rows from each other.

    ( PharmNo VARCHAR(20)
    , ClaimNo VARCHAR(20)
    , ClaimDate DATE);

    INSERT dbo.Claim
    , ClaimNo
    , ClaimDate)
    ('ABC', '123', '2019-01-01')
    , ('ABC', '987', '2019-01-02')
    , ('DEF', '234', '2019-02-01')
    , ('HIJ', '343', '2019-03-01');

    , a.ClaimNo
    , a.ClaimDate
    , b.PharmNo
    , b.ClaimNo
    , b.ClaimDate
    Claim AS a
    INNER JOIN Claim AS b
    ON a.PharmNo = b.PharmNo
    AND a.ClaimDate < b.ClaimDate;

    Note that I am assuming two rows. If there are more than two, this can be more complex.

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