How to fix permissions: Remove db_owner from owned schemas

  • I've just set up a new database, with one user - schema dbo, and owned schemas db_owner, with role of db_owner.

    I created a table - and now that user has no access to the table

    When I try to grant permissions I get:

    Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, entity owner, information_schema, sys, or yourself.

    So I guess the user should not own the schema db_owner - otherwise permissions cannot be granted to it.

    So how can I remove db_owner from the owned schemas of the user? - I can't untick it in the UI.

  • Please don't try it with 'dbo' user or schema. Create a new user / schema ‘xyz’ and try the same with it. I assume you would be able to achieve what you want.

  • No, the user is 'TestUser'

    User's Default Schema is 'dbo'

    And user has db_owner under Schemas Owned by User

    and user is in db_owner under Database Role membership

    I just want to remove db_owner from that user's owned schemas.

  • May I know why do you want to do it?

  • Well after looking through ALTER USER, DROP SCHEMA, ALTER DATABASE - I couldn't find any way to do this.

    So I've just dropped the database and re-created it, with the user set up correctly this time.

  • It's good that you are able to resolve it. 🙂 But I am curious to know the scenario & what actually worked out there. Did you achieve following?

    The user is 'TestUser'

    User's Default Schema is 'dbo'

    And user has db_owner under Schemas Owned by User -- this you removed in new DB

    And user is in db_owner under Database Role membership

  • Yes just created the user without db_owner under Schemas Owned by User

    I am curious. You use 'Dev' as a nickname. Would you describe yourself as a Developer or a DBA? Or is the nickname nothing to do with developer.

  • It's my name. 'Dev' is a Hindi (Indian) word which means 'God'. Coincidently I have worked as DEV and DBA both.

    My name creates confusion (in IT industry at least). That’s why I read SSC post min. 2 times when I find ‘Dev’ word there (just to make sure poster is criticizing his / her Development team not to me ;-)).

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