How to find rows that either 1) does not exist in either table or 2) differ in two tables

  • Hi,

    I am trying to create a script that will compare the indexes in two different databases.

    I am trying to write a query that will show me indexes that exist in either one db or the other OR that differ in terms of name or column list.

    I know how to find indexes that exist in both dbs or that exist in one and not the other. So I could do a union but I am certain there must be a way to write this query (that I am unaware of) so that I only need to make one pass through the data.

    I am on SS2005 and both dbs are on the same machine. I believe anyone should be able to run this since it is using system views.

    Here is what I have (that is not returning the differences only):

    SELECT A.table_name, B.table_name, A.index_name, B.index_name, A.index_cols, B.index_cols



    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB1].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB1].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id

    ) as A



    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB2].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB2].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id

    ) as B

    ON A.table_name = B.table_name


    A.table_name is null or B.table_name is null or

    (A.table_name is not null or B.table_name is not null and


    (A.index_name <> B.index_name) or

    (A.index_cols <> B.index_cols)



    Thanks for helping! I will continue banging my head against the proverbial wall. 😀

  • I'm not sure if this does what you want exactly but you could use the EXCEPT operator.

    Something like this (I couldn't complete test it because I don't have dbo.fun_index_collist), but I think it does what you want otherwise) :


    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB1].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB1].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id




    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB2].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB2].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id




    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB2].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB2].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id




    SELECT as table_name, AS index_name,

    dbo.fun_index_collist(idx.object_id, idx.index_id) AS index_cols

    FROM [DB1].sys.indexes idx JOIN [DB1].sys.objects obj

    ON idx.object_id =obj.object_id


    You could also use one of the database compariason products out there, like RedGate SQLCompare or APEXSQLDiff.

  • Jack,

    Thank you for your response. Sorry for the delay (got pulled onto something else for a couple of days). I am using your solution. It works just as I need.

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