How to edit and save the changes on SSIS dtsx package

  • I used import/export wizard utility to import a text file to another text file.(sql 2005)

    I check mark [Save SSIS Package - SQL Server ]. So it save this dtsx package into MSDB databse.

    Afterwards I realized I need to change it.

    - I trying changing it by opening up the business Intelligence Studio which I find was not that intelligent after all.

    - Added existing package to a new solution and chose the one I just created. It got displayed and appeared.

    - I went ahead and change the data flow and I clicked save. (and I even try to save the whole solution as a next step once I found out that didn't work).

    - I closed the solution explorer and repen it again and again add that existing package.

    - the existing package didnot reflect any changes I made!

    Question: Anyone knows the answer? I don't want to create a permanent solution to it.


  • BIDS saves everything as files on your local hard drive.

    You would need to export the modified package to the msdb again via Integration Services.


    DTS Package Search

  • You're right. Thanks!

  • Hello,

    I am trying to modify a newly created ssis package. I understand I have to go to BIDS to do this but where do I do this?

    I read in another thread that you have to bring your package into BIDS but how and where do I do that?


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