how to display previous month data along with current month data

  • select B.RegionName,

    avg(D.Answer) as Answer

    from dbo.Mst_Location A,Mst_Region B,

    Master_Map_RegionWithLocation C,Voc_Trans_Details D,

    Voc_Mst_Survey_Details E,Voc_Mst_Feedback_Question F

    where A.LocationID=D.Location_Id and A.LocationID=C.LocationID and B.RegionID=C.RegionID

    and C.RegionID=1

    AND D.Survey_Id=E.Survey_ID

    AND F.Question_Id=D.Question_ID

    AND D.Month_Value=8 and D.Year_Value=2010 and

    D.Location_Id IN








    ) AND D.Question_ID IN









    GROUP BY B.RegionName


    RegionName Answer


    Central 53.3333

    Now i want OUTPUT like

    RegionName PreviousmonthAns Answer


    Central 61.88 53.3333

  • Ramya, sample data will be quiet useful here 🙂

  • create a temp table with three column

    option a)

    create three temp variable and set the two values (region and answer) using first query.

    set the third values with second query.

    finally insert into temp table

    option b)

    set the third values with second query.

    finally update the row iwth third values using region column


    select * from temp table.

  • WITH x (RegionName, Month_Value, Answer) AS (

    SELECT B.RegionName, D.Month_Value, AVG(D.Answer) AS [Answer]

    FROM Mst_Location A

    JOIN Voc_Trans_Details D ON A.LocationID = D.Location_Id

    JOIN Master_Map_RegionWithLocation C ON A.LocationID = C.LocationID

    JOIN Mst_Region B ON C.RegionID = B.RegionID

    JOIN Voc_Mst_Survey_Details E ON D.Survey_Id = E.Survey_ID

    JOIN Voc_Mst_Feedback_Question F ON D.Question_ID = F.Question_Id

    WHERE C.RegionID = 1

    AND D.Month_Value BETWEEN 7 AND 8

    AND D.Year_Value = 2010

    AND D.Location_Id IN (10205, 10206, 10207, 10210, 120, 101)

    AND D.Question_ID IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

    GROUP BY B.RegionName ,D.Month_Value )

    SELECT x.RegionName,x2.Answer AS [PreviousMonthAns],x.Answer

    FROM x

    WHERE x.Month_Value = 8

    LEFT JOIN x x2 ON x2.RegionName=x.RegionName AND x2.Month_Value=x.Month_Value-1

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • This probably better than the join

    SELECT RegionName,

    CASE WHEN Month_Value = 7 THEN Answer END AS [PreviousMonthAns],

    CASE WHEN Month_Value = 8 THEN Answer END AS [Answer]

    FROM x

    GROUP BY RegionName

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Or even this

    SELECT RegionName,

    AVG(CASE WHEN Month_Value = 7 THEN Answer END) AS [PreviousMonthAns],

    AVG(CASE WHEN Month_Value = 8 THEN Answer END) AS [Answer]

    FROM Mst_Location A

    JOIN Voc_Trans_Details D ON A.LocationID = D.Location_Id

    JOIN Master_Map_RegionWithLocation C ON A.LocationID = C.LocationID

    JOIN Mst_Region B ON C.RegionID = B.RegionID

    JOIN Voc_Mst_Survey_Details E ON D.Survey_Id = E.Survey_ID

    JOIN Voc_Mst_Feedback_Question F ON D.Question_ID = F.Question_Id

    WHERE C.RegionID = 1

    AND D.Month_Value BETWEEN 7 AND 8

    AND D.Year_Value = 2010

    AND D.Location_Id IN (10205, 10206, 10207, 10210, 120, 101)

    AND D.Question_ID IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

    GROUP BY RegionName

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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