How to deploy an Access 2003 project that includes MSDE: MS KB Q299297

  • Hi all,

    I just found that MS KB Q299297 "How to deployan Access 2002 project that

    includes the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE)" (Revision:5.1,

    Sept. 26, 2005) in I have

    completed the Steps 1-8 of the article in my Access 2003 to have the

    References "Microsoft SQLDMO Object Library" and "Microsoft Scripting

    Runtime" in my adp, and copied the codes of "modCopyConnect" (in Step 5) and

    "GetSQLInstaneces" (in Step 7) into my Modules of my adp1 project. I do not

    know how to proceed to get my "named" intance started - I am completely lost

    in Steps 9, 10, 11,....... I need your help to pass Steps 9 and 10 - to

    create a new startup form (how? more details please) and to add a command to

    the OnOpen event property of my startup to call the fStartUp function (I did

    not see the OnOpen? where is it?). Please read the article and give me your

    tips/instructions as many as you can.

    Thanks in advance,

    Scott  Chang

  • OK A startup form is any old form that is run at startup.  So create a blank form, save it as e.g. fStartUp. Go to tools, startup and in the box labelled Display Form / Page put the name of your form. It's actually a combo box, so if you click on the arrow, you will get a list of forms.

    With your form - fStartUp - in design view, make sure the properties box is displayed. Click on the events tab and you should see an On Open Event - click on the builder and choose expression builder and off you go following the instructions to add the line



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