how to denormalize in query?

  • guys, i have these 2 tables, one-to-many relationship, they look like:

    table A

    ShipName FishingDate FishingLocation


    Titanic 1/1/2007 Northpole

    table B

    ShipName FishingDate FishSpecies CatchNumber


    Titanic 1/1/2007 Jack 1

    Titanic 1/1/2007 Rose 2

    Titanic 2/1/2007 Jack 2

    how do i query to get a result like:

    ShipName FishingDate FishingLocation Jack Rose


    Titanic 1/1/2007 Northpole 1 2

    Titanic 2/1/2007 Northpole 2

    dont have a clue, can any one give a hint?

  • I'll let you work out the inner join but the pivot looks like this :




    case when fish = 'Jack' THEN CatchNumber ELSE NULL END,

    case when fish = 'Rose' THEN CatchNumber ELSE NULL END


    You can also use sum around the case expression... which I figure you might need to aggregate per day.

  • Hi

    Its better to use inner join to avoid any manual addition in your query.


  • thanks, Ninja's_RGR'us and Amit Kumar, for your kindly reply.

    i try to do my query like this:



    case when b.FishSpecies = 'Jack' THEN b.CatchNumber ELSE NULL END as Jack,

    case when b.FishSpecies = 'Rose' THEN b.CatchNumber ELSE NULL END as Rose

    from dbo.TABLE1 as a join dbo.TABLE2 as b

    on a.ShipName = b.ShipName

    and a.FishingDate = b.FishingDate

    but the outcome goes :

    ShipName FishingDate FishingLocation Jack Rose


    Titanic 1/1/2007 Northpole 1 null

    Titanic 1/1/2007 Northpole null 2

    Titanic 2/1/2007 Northpole 2

    and i still cannt make the data of same FishingDate merged.

    am i getting it wrong ?

  • You need to SUM the CatchNumber. Something like the following should work:

    SELECT A.ShipName, A.FishingDate, A.FishingLocation, D.Jack, D.Rose


     JOIN (

      SELECT B.ShipName


       ,SUM(CASE B.FishSpecies WHEN 'Jack' THEN CatchNumber END) AS Jack

       ,SUM(CASE B.FishSpecies WHEN 'Rose' THEN CatchNumber END) AS Rose


      GROUP BY ShipName, FishingDate) D

     ON A.ShipName = D.ShipName AND A.FishingDate = D.FishingDate

    ORDER BY A.ShipName, A.FishingDate


  • many thanks,Ken!

    why didnt i come up with this. orz...

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