How to delete records selected from another table in stored procedure

  • CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DeleteEmployeeRcord
    @days Int
    DELETE [dbo].[EmpMainTable]
    Where created < DATEADD(dd, -@days, GETDATE());

    Hello Everyone,

    Above is my stored Procedure. I need to delete records in 'EmployLog' table selected from 'EmpMainTable'. here i need to delete older data more than 1 month (@days parameter).

    How i need to select old records from one table and delete from another table in a single stored procedure.

    I have attached my table and stored procedure.



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  • You will have to do 2 separate deletes.  And then I would also look at adding error handling and transaction control.

    Also, depending on the size of the data, you may want to do the deletes in batches.

    /*** First delete the log records ***/ DELETE lg
    FROM [dbo].[EmpMainTable] AS mt
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[EmpLoyLog] AS lg ON mt.[Setld] = lg.[Setld]
    WHERE mt.created < DATEADD(dd, -@days, GETDATE());

    /*** Then delete the main records ***/ DELETE mt
    FROM [dbo].[EmpMainTable] AS mt
    INNER JOIN [dbo].[EmpLoyLog] AS lg ON mt.[Setld] = lg.[Setld]
    WHERE mt.created < DATEADD(dd, -@days, GETDATE());
  • In SQL Server, you can use DELETE from a table using a JOIN.  Just be sure to alias the table you're deleting from and DELETE from the alias, not the original table name.  That is:


    FROM dbo.EmpMainTable EMT

    INNER JOIN ... ON ...

    [WHERE ...]

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

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