how to control log file

  • my prob with my database is log file is growing alarmingly how to control log file.

    my data files is comparatively small to log


    balaji ramanar

    balaji ramanar

  • You can set database in 'simple recovery' mode to let system to truncate the log file if your database doesn't need to be recovered to the point of failure or to a specific point in time.

    IF you do need above recovery, backup the transaction log regularly. You can use maintenance wizard to create job and schedule it to run.

    Now you may already have large transaction log file, you can set the dataabse in 'simple recovery' mode, backup log with truncate only, shrink the log file size and reset the dataabse to 'full recovery' mode that is recommened for your production database, perform the full backup and run transaction log backup by scheduling it.

  • If disk space is an issue, and you can afford a little time, you might also run a differential backup once or twice a day and delete all log files (or move them to another server/tape) between the full backup and the differential.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

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