How To Check SQL SERVER Uptime Through T-SQL

  • Please bear with me as I'm somewhat of a novice when it comes to scripting. This is a handy script, but here's a challenge for someone. Running the script as is obviously shows the uptime of SQL Server on the server, but I notice that when I replace tempdb with any of the user database names on the server, the uptime changes to reflect what I hope is the uptime for that database.

    Here's the challenge: What modifications need to be done to this handy script to show the database name and the uptime of each database on the server?

    If that was pretty easy, what further modifications would be needed to loop through a list of all of my servers to produce a report of the uptime of each server and of each user DB on each server?


  • The script actually returns the amount of time since the database was created. Since the tempdb is created every time SQL Server is started, this gives you the up-time for SQL Server.

    You can run this to get list of all database names, total minutes, total days, hours within days and minutes within hours since each database has been created.

    SELECT @@servername,

    name, DATEDIFF (mi,crdate,GETDATE()) as 'Total Minutes',

    DATEDIFF (day,crdate,GETDATE()) as 'Total Days',

    (DATEDIFF (mi,crdate,GETDATE()) - (DATEDIFF (day,crdate,GETDATE()) * 1440)) / 60 as 'Hours within day',

    DATEDIFF (mi,crdate,GETDATE()) - (DATEDIFF (day,crdate,GETDATE()) * 1440) -

    (((DATEDIFF (mi,crdate,GETDATE()) - (DATEDIFF (day,crdate,GETDATE()) * 1440)) / 60) * 60) as 'Minutes with hour'

    FROM sysdatabases

    ORDER BY name

    As for looping through all your servers here are couple of options:

    1) Create linked servers and run the query against each of them.

    2) Create SSIS package that loops through a list of servers and runs the script

    For either of these, you can load the data into a local working table then run a final query to pull that data out of the working table. You probably would want to include @@servername in the query so your results will include the server name.

    Hope this helps



    DECLARE @crdate DATETIME, @hr VARCHAR(50), @min-2 VARCHAR(5)

    SELECT @crdate=create_date FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME='tempdb'

    SELECT @hr=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60

    IF ((DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)=0

    SELECT @min-2=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))


    SELECT @min-2=(DATEDIFF ( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))-((DATEDIFF( mi, @crdate,GETDATE()))/60)*60

    PRINT 'SQL Server "' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME'))+'" is Online for the past '+@hr+' hours & '+@min+' minutes'

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses WHERE program_name = N'SQLAgent - Generic Refresher')


    PRINT 'SQL Server is running but SQL Server Agent <<NOT>> running'



    PRINT 'SQL Server and SQL Server Agent both are running'


    select * from sys.databases

    Two corrections needs to be done in the script for successful execution

    1. Change sysdatabases to sys.databases

    2. Change the 3 line in the script (query) from "SELECT @crdate=crdate FROM sysdatabases WHERE NAME='tempdb'" to "SELECT @crdate=create_date FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME='tempdb'". The error in the original query is, there is no such column (crdate) exists in the sys.databases table.

    Correct me if am wrong anywhere.



  • Why not just using DMV for 2008+

    SELECT sqlserver_start_time from sys.dm_os_sys_info

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