How to Check Email Has Been Sent Through Reporting Services

  • Hi

    I'm new to the site and it's been of great help to me so far (through various articles/blogs and forum posts), but am now compelled to make my first request.

    I've created a data driven subscription in Reporting Services 2012, to be sent by email. I've already received one email to the test email account I set up, but now when I've sent additional emails (to the same email address and to others) using the same (and different) subscriptions, even though the subscription and job history in Report Server confirms that the email has been sent successfully (I watched the status change from Pending to Done), the email account recipients aren't receiving the emails.

    Is there any way I can verify that the report server has actually sent the emails? Would I need to check with our network infrastructure team?

    Thanks very much


  • You can look at the reporting services trace log files on the server to see if you can find any errors sending the email. You can find the trace logs at: \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles

    You can't really confirm the email was delivered, your email team would have to help with that, but if there is an error it can lead you to the reason.

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