How to change the connection string of child packages in Execute Package task?

  • .when we do config file at the master package environment, will the file pass the value to the child pacakges

    You wont need to create a config file for the master package, only the child packages. The master package should have variables, these will hold the values that you want to pass to the child packages. In the child packages, create variables there as well to catch the values that the parent package variables will pass to the child packages. Right click in the control flow area and select 'package configuration..' , then Add, then follow the wizard. The configuration type will be 'parent package variable.' This is where you map the values between the variables of the child and parent packages (make certain data types match). With this complete in your child package you are free to use your local variables in expressions (for ole db connection 'servername' property for example) as you normally do.


  • mmartin1 (7/31/2013)

    You wont need to create a config file for the master package, only the child packages.

    Whilst that's true in the strictest sense, all but the simplest of packages should use config file (or some other external method of package configuration). That way, when you want to run the package on a different server or change the number of retries, for example, you just edit the configuration file instead of having to redeploy the whole solution.


  • Okay Martin...Let me try with config file for each child package...

  • Whilst that's true in the strictest sense, all but the simplest of packages should use config file (or some other external method of package configuration). That way, when you want to run the package on a different server or change the number of retries, for example, you just edit the configuration file instead of having to redeploy the whole solution.

    I believe i got the idea of what you are saying. Let me try. Sorry that I took some time to make myslef clear.

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