How to Avoid "??" in the result set when we are working with multi language data

  • Hi Team,


    i want to avoid "??" in the result set but i am getting "??"

    can you please help on this.

    My Script:



    CountryName NVARCHAR(100),

    Treeid int


    insert INTO #AllCountryStates

    select N'??',1

    select * from #AllCountryStates

    declare @Country NVARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @Country = STUFF(

    (SELECT ',' + ''

    + ( CountryName ) + ''

    FROM (select c.CountryName,c.TreeId

    FROM #AllCountryStates c

    ) as CountryName order by TreeId

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'' )

    ---Country End

    select @Country

    --Existing Result:



    Expected result:


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  kbhanu15.
  • Existing Result:



    Expected Result:




  • Please note that I hit 'Report' when I meant to hit 'Quote' and there seems to be no way of reversing that ... apologies.

    This makes no sense to me - your expected result is the same as the existing result and therefore no change is required:

    Existing Result:



    Expected Result:


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • CREATE table #AllCountryStates


    CountryName NVARCHAR(100),

    Treeid int


    insert INTO #AllCountryStates

    select N'??',1

    select * from #AllCountryStates

    declare @Country NVARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @Country = STUFF(

    (SELECT ',' + ''

    + ( CountryName ) + ''

    FROM (select c.CountryName,c.TreeId

    FROM #AllCountryStates c

    ) as CountryName order by TreeId

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'' )

    ---Country End

    select @Country

  • Change this, FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'' ), to use NVARCHAR(MAX) in place of the VARCHAR(MAX).  The implicit change is causing you to lose the UNICODE values.


  • kbhanu15 wrote:

    CREATE table #AllCountryStates ( CountryName NVARCHAR(100), Treeid int ) insert INTO #AllCountryStates select N'??',1 select * from #AllCountryStates declare @Country NVARCHAR(1000) SELECT @Country = STUFF( (SELECT ',' + '' + ( CountryName ) + '' FROM (select c.CountryName,c.TreeId FROM #AllCountryStates c ) as CountryName order by TreeId FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'' ) ---Country End select @Country

    Your problem is here:

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'),1,1,'' )

    Your country names are NVARCHAR, but you are converting them to VARCHAR, so you are losing information that cannot be encoded in VARCHAR.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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