how to automate script backup of all objects in a database

  • how can we automate the scripting of objects in a server.i found out one code in the following link.

    but this is the script for only one specified database. i need to get the script of all the database in the server .can any one help me

  • Look up the command sp_msforeachdb. It's considered to be an undocumented command, but it's been around for a very long time with no signs of going away. You can use that to walk through every database in the system.

    But, I'm not crazy about it because you can't readily exclude databases. Another way would be to use a cursor. Yes, I said a cursor. You can select the names of databases from sys.databases and join that against an custom table that lists excluded database names (for example). Then you walk through the cursor building dynamic SQL for the backups.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning


    -- declare all variables


    DECLARE @sSQL sql_variant

    DECLARE @sSQL1 Varchar(220)

    DECLARE @iRowCount INT

    DECLARE @t_TableNames_Temp TABLE

    (table_name SYSNAME)

    INSERT @t_TableNames_Temp

    SELECT name

    FROM master..sysdatabases where name not in('northwind','pubs')

    ORDER BY name

    --Getting row count from table

    SELECT @iRowCount = COUNT(*) FROM @t_TableNames_Temp

    WHILE @iRowCount > 0


    SELECT @sTableName = table_name from @t_TableNames_Temp

    SELECT @sSQL ='Backup Database '+@sTableName+' TO DISK=''D:\'+

    @sTableName+'.bak'''+' WITH INIT,NOFORMAT,STATS=10'

    SELECT @sSQL1 =convert(varchar(220),@SSQL)

    PRINT @ssql1

    EXEC (@SSQL1)

    DELETE FROM @t_TableNames_Temp WHERE @sTableName = table_name

    SELECT @iRowCount = @iRowCount - 1





  • You can also use sp_msforeachdb and still exclude some DBs, heres a script for the same:

    EXEC sp_msforeachdb '

    IF ''?'' IN ( ''db1'', ''db2'', ''db3'', ''db4'' )

    SELECT [ABC], [123]

    FROM [?].[dbo].[tabledata]

    WHERE FieldName = ''QWERTY'''

    Hope it will help you.

    Sarabpreet Singh 😎
    Twitter: @Sarab_SQLGeek

  • This is almost similar :


    Use Master

    DECLARE @name VARCHAR(50) -- database name

    DECLARE @path VARCHAR(256) -- path for backup files

    DECLARE @fileName NVARCHAR(256) -- filename for backup

    DECLARE @fileDate VARCHAR(20) -- used for file name

    SET @path = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup'

    SELECT @fileDate = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE(),112)

    SELECT name,flag=0 into #tempbackup FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb')

    set rowcount 1

    WHILE (exists(SELECT * FROM #tempbackup WHERE flag=0))


    Select @name=name from #tempbackup WHERE flag=0

    SET @fileName = @path + @name + '_' + @fileDate + '.BAK'

    print @fileName

    BACKUP DATABASE @name TO DISK = @fileName

    Update #tempbackup set flag=1 WHERE flag=0 and name=@name


    set rowcount 0

    drop table #tempbackup

    Abhay Chaudhary
    Sr.DBA (MCITP/MCTS :SQL Server 2005/2008 ,OCP 9i)

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