How tell where a query comes from...

  • Does anyone know how to tell where a query to SQL Server 2000 originates. I have a system with a number of remote clients, and I need to know who is issuing certain queries.

    Many thanks

    Chris E

  • You could run Profiler to get HostName for sure and LoginName. I would capture HostName, LoginName, TextData, AplicationName and StartTime as the bare minimum. Also I have the output goto a table for easy reference later. But keep in mind there is some overhead in using Profiler that could impact you a bit and only run it until you find what you are looking for. FOr this the normal selected events on the events tab for the trace should be fine.

  • Many thanks for your reply,

    Perhaps I should have made myself clearer :-

    I can see who is issuing those queries with profiler, but I need to programatically see where a query comes from in T-SQL.

    What I am trying to do is to return a results set in one of two languages (English or Spanish) depending on whether the client machine is currently using English or Spanish as its default language.

    I have the language rountines setup and working, but haven't found yet a way of seeing which client is querying the server in realtime so that I can decide which language to respond in.

    Any further suggestions appreciated...

    Chris E

  • How about just passing a parameter in for Langauage? Or storing it when the user connects, then all other queries could join/select from the "config" table to set the language.


  • That is about the only way I see it can be done. Or if the client cannot do this for you and each person logs in uniquely you could create a cofig table that someone whould have to keep updating each time a new client comes in.

  • I considered pasing a language parameter, but the number of queries I would need to change is huge.

    What I have at present is a table which holds a list of node names and the language which that node is set to. This table is updated as and when the language is changed on those nodes, which can be done instantly without reboot etc (this is a feature of the client software).

    Now if I can detect which node is issuing a query, I can intercept it and decide to respond in English or Spanish by use of my node/language table.

    What I am trying to do is save a lot of time and work, but I guess if I cannot detect the node without altering huge numbers of queries, I'll have to bite the bullet and work all weekend (and then some).

    Any further thoughts ?


    Chris E

  • Not clear on why you have so much work to do. Regardless of where you get the value from you still have to do conditional execution, right? I think if you put the value in a config table and query that (or use a function) that makes your conditional logic about the same as if you had access to a system variable or table that told you the language.


  • Thanks for the suggestions chaps. I used the HOST_NAME() function in the end - works well.


    Chris E

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