How do you identify server roles for a user who logins into SQL Server via a Windows Group login?

  • Access to SQL Server is restricted by logins associated with Windows Groups.

    Both server-roles and database-users are assigned to the Windows group logins.

    However, when a user logs in, the USER_ and SUSER_ name and ID functions return the Windows account name of the user.

    Therefore, how do I determine the roles associated with that user when only the windows groups exist within the role/principal maps?

  • select * from sys.syslogins

    Hope this query give you your desire result.

    it contain all log in name role associated with log in name,

    try it

  • Could you explain with more details your environment? , I don't follow you



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  • Try this example taken rom BOL ---> IS_SRVROLEMEMBER (Transact-SQL)

    IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin') = 1

    print 'Current user''s login is a member of the sysadmin role'

    ELSE IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin') = 0

    print 'Current user''s login is NOT a member of the sysadmin role'


    print 'ERROR: The server role specified is not valid.'

    ...for each server role.

  • dmoldovan (12/1/2009)

    Try this example taken rom BOL ---> IS_SRVROLEMEMBER (Transact-SQL)

    IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin') = 1

    print 'Current user''s login is a member of the sysadmin role'

    ELSE IF IS_SRVROLEMEMBER ('sysadmin') = 0

    print 'Current user''s login is NOT a member of the sysadmin role'


    print 'ERROR: The server role specified is not valid.'

    ...for each server role.

    Thank you. This solves my problem.

  • You're welcome 🙂

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