How Do You Change The Default Server Connection in SSMS

  • Hi Folks

    I have imported a Maint Plan into my SQL Server 2008 R2

    It has the old server name for the default "Local server connection"

    Can someone tell me how to change the "Server" name for this default ?

    If I select Edit, the "Server Name" is grayed out and will not allow me to change it

    Is there somewhere else I can change it ?

    I know I can add a new Server Connection for my current server, but there has to be a way to change the default, I would think



  • In SSMS you can't..

    However, if you have the maint plan as a DTSX file, you can. You need to look for a line <DTS:Property DTS:Name="ConnectionString">

    And following it will be: server='ServerName';

    Replace server name and save file, DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE!

    Re-import into the right place and voila..


  • Thanks Elliott

    i will give it a shot


  • You are very welcome. I have a basic set of maint plans that are the template for all my servers, I adjust the servername import them and then start modifying them for that particular server. All the plans end up a little different but they start the same.


  • Hi Elliott

    just a follow-up

    looking through the file

    I found the line you were referring to:

    <DTS:Property DTS:Name="ConnectionString">server='NSAB-SS80-SQL-N';Trusted_Connection=true;Application Name='Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio';Pooling=false;Packet Size=4096;multipleactiveresultsets=false;</DTS:Property></DTS:ConnectionManager></DTS:ObjectData></DTS:ConnectionManager>

    Do I also need to change these other three lines that still have the old server name in them ?

    <DTS:Property DTS:Name="CreatorName">NSAB-SS80-SQL-N\xxxxxx</DTS:Property>

    <DTS:Property DTS:Name="CreatorComputerName">NSAB-SS80-SQL-N</DTS:Property>

    <DTS:Property DTS:Name="ConnectionString">Data Source=NSAB-SS80-SQL-N;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=30;</DTS:Property></DTS:ConnectionManager></DTS:ObjectData></DTS:ConnectionManager>



  • The first two no, those are only meta-data about the package creation, just the connection string needs changed. I only have one in my package so I'm unsure what the other is talking to, so I would change it there too for good measure.


  • ok

    thanks again


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