How do I shift primary Replication publisher to new node in AG

  • Hi,

    Consider this setup, with SQL 2017 Enterprise, in a multi-subnet environment:

    • SERV01 (Primary) and SERV02 (Secondary)
    • Clustered as ServCluster.  There is one AG - SQLAG, with multiple databases.  There is a listener - SQLList.

    Two of the databases in the AG, DB1 and DB2, are transactionally replicated to a remote Subscriber, SERVSub.  The distributor exists on the subscriber.  SERV02 is the original publishing server.

    Question: Can the two original servers in a two-node AG be replaced with two new servers, without having to rebuild Replication.  If so, how?  I cannot find any documentation on this, even whether it is possible.

    I have replaced the machines in another two-node AG, without Replication, no problem.  But, how do I tell Replication that the original publisher is no longer SERV02 but one of the new machines (SERV03 or SERV04).


  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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