How do i return dynamic t-SQL Steatement into a varibale

  • Hi All,

    How do i get a result like this

    set @qString = 'xp cmdshell ''rename '+@file1+' '+@file2+''' '

    declare @result int

    exec @result = @qString

    It fails how i correct this? and get a result?

  • thinknight (7/12/2010)

    Hi All,

    How do i get a result like this

    set @qString = 'xp cmdshell ''rename '+@file1+' '+@file2+''' '

    declare @result int

    exec @result = @qString

    It fails how i correct this? and get a result?

    It is not xp cmdshell, it should be xp_cmdshell.

    Can you provide full script so that we can look into any errors if any ?



    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • corrected : xp_cmdshell

    But my problem is not this. just could not get return value while executing this script.

  • TRY..CATCH is the correct solution.

    Thanks All...

  • Hi ,,

    for that u can use char(39) where u want to use single quetotes

  • declare @file1 varchar(max) set @file1 = 'file1.test'

    declare @file2 varchar(max) set @file2 = 'file2.test'

    declare @ret int

    declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = N'exec @ret = xp_cmdshell ' + char(39) + 'rename ' + @file1 + ' ' + @file2 + CHAR(39)

    declare @params nvarchar(max) set @params = '@ret int OUTPUT'

    exec sp_executesql @sql, @params, @ret OUTPUT

    print @ret

  • sp_executesql will do

  • Thanks a lot..

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